How to remove the stomach and sides: exercise at home, video

How to remove the stomach and sides: exercise at home, video

We are talking about effective ways to help get rid of extra centimeters at the waist.

Every girl dreams of a thin and fit figure and is interested in the question of how to remove her stomach and sides. Some are on diets for months, exhausting their bodies, while others are tormented by exercise to get what they want. But it so happens that, despite numerous exercises, the arrow on the scales does not fall.

The fact is that some exercises are not aimed at losing weight, but at building up muscles. But how to quickly remove the sides and get a fit figure without wasting money on expensive trainers?

How to remove sides: tips from a fitness trainer

Warm-up is what you need to start with any workout.

The main rule to remember for any physical activity is to start with a warm-up. It is a warm-up that will help your body prepare for exercise, avoid severe muscle pain the next day, and also avoid injury by warming up the muscles. Basically, the warm-up includes:

  • running on the spot or at a distance of up to 2 km;

  • exercises that are aimed at stretching the whole body;

  • jumping rope.

How to remove belly and sides

Useful tips:

  • Any exercises should start from the head and end with legs, that is, gradually work out all muscle groups.

  • If you are not a special fan of running, then you should start the warm-up with circular rotations of the head and arms, then move on to the bends and rotation of the body and finish everything with the movements of the legs.

  • In between the transitions from one action to another, you need to jump rope or run on the spot. After you stretch your legs, stretch all muscle groups well, this will relieve tension a little, but it will not remove the effect you have achieved.

  • When you feel that your muscles are worked out and your body is warmed up, you can start exercising.

A set of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

In order to take care of yourself, you do not need additional skills and abilities, only the exact fulfillment of all instructions, and the simplest equipment will help you achieve your goal:

  1. After you warm up and feel that your body is ready, you can feel free to start exercising. To begin with, lie on the floor, bend your knees, put a towel between them, lift your torso, while squeezing the towel tightly between your legs, linger in this position for a couple of seconds and lower yourself to the floor. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times. If you do it correctly, for the 5th time you will feel how your abdominal muscles tighten.

  2. Set aside the towel, but do not change your position. Raise your bent legs 60 degrees from the floor, and put your hands behind your head. In this position, try to raise your torso and hold it off the ground for as long as possible. The effectiveness of this exercise depends on your endurance, so try to hold out for as long as possible.

  3. This exercise is similar to the second, but now in a more sophisticated form: when the torso rises from the floor, straighten your legs about 60 degrees from the floor. In addition, this exercise involves using the arms – stretch your arms forward so that the shoulder blades are slightly off the floor. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times.

Remember that it is difficult to achieve any results from exercise if you do not change your eating habits… So, combining this with a diet, you can achieve much more stunning results than without it. Remember, the number of calories consumed should be less than the number of calories used in the day.

According to a study conducted by Americans, doing 20 minutes at home every day can help you achieve the same results as going to the gym every three days.

How to remove belly and sides at home

Which sports equipment to use for the best results

The exercises that have been described above are only part of the whole complex. If you want to become the owner of a beautiful body, use additional equipment for your workouts: a hoop, dumbbells, balls, etc.

But it is not enough just to buy such inventory, it is important to use it correctly:

  • Turn on the music or episode of your favorite TV series, and while it is on, do not waste time in vain, spin the hoop. It is important that your body feels it, and therefore an iron hoop or hula hoop is best suited, it is they who have the ability to break down the deposited fat on the stomach and sides. The duration of the workout depends on your endurance, but it should not be less than 10 minutes.

  • In order to remove the belly and sides at home, it is perfect big gym ball… The thing is that with its help you can correctly redistribute weight and load on the body. Lie on the ball with one side, rest your feet and hand on the floor. If you do the exercise correctly, your chest and abdomen will be firmly on the ball. Once you are in a stable position, lift your leg as high as possible and lower it to its original position. To achieve what you need, as a result, you need to perform 10 approaches, 100 times on each side. If you perform the exercise correctly, you will no longer be bothered by the question: “How to remove the sides?”

  • We all know that type weights dumbbell create an additional load for our body, which means that many times more calories are required for exercise. Therefore, it is best to use them when leaning. To strengthen the oblique muscles of the abdomen and abs, bends in different directions will help you: put your feet shoulder-width apart, take dumbbells and slowly bend to the right side, while raising your other hand so that it is above your head. Repeat the same on the other side, do this exercise at least 10 times, rest and do 3 more approaches.

How to properly remove the sides – are there any helpful videos?

In order to do all the exercises correctly, it is best to use workout videos, which will be an excellent guide to action and will help you get rid of common mistakes in execution.

Remember, only proper nutrition and regular exercise can bring you closer to the desired result. If you are still asking the question: “How to quickly remove the sides?”, Then this article is for you.

Trainer of the network of fitness studios SMSTRETCHING and the studio Project By SMSTRETCHING

 – The abdomen, thighs, sides on the lower back and the back of the arms – these are the places where excess fat appears first. To get rid of fat, they advise such miraculous techniques as wrapping yourself in cling film and exercising in it and doing a thousand exercises a day. But none of the above will give the desired result. The body cannot lose weight locally. This only happens with injuries when the muscles are atrophied. Let me give you an example: with a fracture, one leg was in a cast for a month, and the other still performed its functions. Then one leg will be noticeably different from the other.

Until you start monitoring your diet (controlling the amount of food you eat and keeping track of calories), you will not lose weight. And regular training will help to avoid body flabbiness and tone it up. You don’t have to go to the gym or run 15 km a day. Start small and do various functional exercises at home.

Prioritize basic exercises. They are more energy intensive. When they are performed, several muscle groups are included at once. For example:

  • Squats while raising arms to parallel with the floor: while inhaling, we lower ourselves into a squat and raise our straight arms forward in front of us, while exhaling we rise. In this exercise, the legs and shoulders work.

  • Biceps curl lunge: we take a step back with one foot and put it on the toe, as we inhale, we lower ourselves into a lunge, while bending our arms at the elbow; on exhalation, we return to the starting position and repeat on the other leg. This exercise works the legs, buttocks, and biceps of the shoulder.

  • Push-ups while lifting the leg: push-ups from knees or from socks (whichever is more convenient) and, straining the gluteal muscles, lift one leg up; on inhalation we go down, on exhalation we rise. This exercise includes the pectoral muscles, triceps, abs, and buttocks. This exercise cannot be called easy.

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