How to relieve PMS

If during this difficult period for every woman you snarl at your loved ones or lock yourself in sobbing in your apartment, it means that you simply did not find a magic “pill” that can also be tasty.

How many times have you caught yourself thinking that just a couple of days a month you are ready to kill the whole world. Even your beloved cat does not cause you more affection, and what can we say about your husband, whom you are simply ready to strangle? While some are saving themselves with sweets, others simply crawl under the covers – somehow survive the “terrible time”.

But you can live and enjoy. All you need to do is follow the correct diet. You will be pleasantly surprised to learn that it is also delicious …

Agree, if you are not a big fan of cereals, then starting the morning with oatmeal is an unpleasant prospect. And yet, make this effort on yourself, and you yourself will not notice how you smile.

Yes, oats contain magnesium, which will support the nervous system during menstruation.

“Women lose from 30 to 80 ml of blood during menstruation, which corresponds to 15-25 mg of iron, so it is important to replenish the lack of iron with foods that contain it in large quantities,” nutritionist Angelina Artipova shares with

So urgently brew porridge and gobble it up, saying: “For mom – a spoon, for dad.”

The second tip is nicer. Choose any salad, the main thing is to generously add parsley or spinach to it.

Parsley contains apiol, a compound that can stimulate the menstrual flow, while spinach, thanks to its high content of vitamin E, vitamin B6 and magnesium, will ease lower abdominal pain.

This fruit will help those who are rewarded with “women’s days” in addition to stomach problems.

“Bananas can also help with digestion, which is important for women who often have to run to the ladies’ room during this period,” the expert advises.

You also know very well that bananas are good for your mood. Well, remember at least the chimpanzees in the zoo … After all, they always smile.

If you usually avoid nuts because of their calorie content, then at least in this “difficult time for every woman” make an exception … and eat a handful of walnuts.

“It is walnuts that contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties,” the nutritionist continued. “In addition, walnuts are rich in magnesium and vitamin B6.”

Scientists (of course the British ones!) Also joined in. Scientists have conducted a study and have shown that women who consume omega-3 fatty acids have less painful days on critical days.

Even if you do not consider yourself to be “water-lovers” and the maximum that you are capable of is a couple of sips in the morning and at lunchtime, make one more effort on yourself. And pour in yourself at least one and a half to two liters of life-giving moisture.

Few people think about why our body tends to retain water during menstruation. Simply because he loses it in large quantities and reacts to the lack of fluid by retaining it.

And then simple physics: in order to “drive away” the water, you need to increase its use.

Simple carbohydrates, namely all bakery products, should be replaced with complex ones – wild rice, buckwheat, bulgur.

“Simple carbohydrates lead to surges in blood sugar, while complex carbohydrates gradually saturate our body with useful microelements,” says Artipova. – Also, a week before your period, exclude everything spicy and salty from your diet to avoid swelling. Do not overuse coffee. A cappuccino drunk in the morning will only raise your spirits, but three cups of espresso will be superfluous. “

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