How to nourish eyelashes healthily? The best ways
How to nourish eyelashes healthily? The best waysHow to nourish eyelashes healthily? The best ways

Eyelashes are an extremely important element of the eye. Not only for aesthetic reasons, but because of the function they perform to protect our eyesight. It should be remembered that eyelashes also occur on the lower eyelid. Eyelashes protect the eye from impurities, dirt and dust.

Interesting facts about eyelashes:

  • Eyelashes live from 100 to 150 days
  • There are more eyelashes on the upper eyelid. We will find there about 150-250 eyelashes depending on the person. There are only 50 to 150 eyelashes on the lower eyelid
  • The upper eyelid contains longer eyelashes, naturally reaching up to 12 mm
  • The longest eyelashes of the lower eyelid are about 8 mm

How to nourish eyelashes?

Proper eyelash care will make them look more healthy and alluring. In addition, they will also perform their biological function much better: protecting the eyes. Many of the products specially dedicated to the protection and care of eyelashes can be found in well-known drugstores.

Castor oil – cheap and reliable

A cheap way to nourish eyelashes is to buy castor oil. In pharmacies, the price ranges from PLN 3 to PLN 9. Naturally, castor oil is used in medicine in many ways. It contains vitamins A, E and a lot of fatty acids. It rebuilds the hair structure from the roots and prevents splitting. It strengthens, protects, moisturizes and prevents eyelash loss. In addition, castor oil can be used as a protective cosmetic for nails, eyebrows and hair.

The oil should be applied to the eyelashes, for example, with a cleaned brush taken out of the mascara. It is best to apply the oil at night, and in the morning – if the eyelashes are sticky and still contain the specific product – just wash it off with water, being careful not to let the oil get into the eyes.

Other proven ways to nourish eyelashes

It also protects and strengthens eyelashes cosmetic vaseline. This specificity was already used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. As in the case of applying castor oil, Vaseline can also be applied with a brush taken out of mascara. It is also easy to use a special eyelash comb. Again, it is best to apply the product at night, and only in the morning remove the excess from the eyelashes by washing the face. Vaseline nourishes eyelashes. It makes them stronger and thicker. Eyelashes that grow back or are still growing become longer.

It can also help in eyelash care olive oil, which is also easily available, but a little more expensive than the above-mentioned products. Oil is much easier to apply, because it is thinner than the above-mentioned specifics, and at the same time it sticks well to the hair. All you have to do is apply a cotton swab soaked in olive oil to your eyelashes.

Olive oil contains antioxidant vitamins – E and A. It is also a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids. Strengthens, immunizes and nourishes eyelashes. It can be used on both lower and upper eyelashes. The frequency of use depends on your free time: it is better to use olive oil at home, because it leaves greasy, thick stains on the eyelids.

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