How plastic affects the human body: latest data

Unlike previous similar studies that examined plastic only at the stage of production or use, this time scientists took samples at all stages of its life cycle.

They monitored the extraction and measured the level of harmful effects during its production, use, disposal and processing. At each stage, we checked how harmful it is for a person. The results showed that plastic is harmful all the way.

Life path of plastic and harm at each stage

The extraction of raw materials for plastic is impossible without the use of various chemicals that pollute the environment.

The production of plastic requires the use of chemical and thermal effects on petroleum products, in addition, it produces hazardous waste. There are about four thousand chemicals used to produce various types of plastic. Many of them are toxic.  

The use of plastic is accompanied by the continuous release of microdoses of plastic into the environment: water, soil and air. Further, these microdoses enter the human body through air, water, food and skin. They accumulate in tissues, imperceptibly destroying the nervous, respiratory, digestive and other systems.   

Recycling and recycling is becoming popular, but the methods are not yet perfect. For example, disposal by incineration brings great harm by polluting the air, soil and water. 

Given that the production of plastic is constantly increasing, the harm is growing exponentially. 

Main findings of the report

Plastic is dangerous at all stages of its existence;

· An association between the influence of plastic and diseases of the nervous system, cancer, especially leukemia, decreased reproductive function and genetic mutations has been experimentally proven;

Contacting with plastic, a person swallows and inhales its microdoses, which accumulate in the body;

· It is necessary to continue research on the impact of plastic on human health in order to exclude the most dangerous types of it from human life. 

You can view the full version of the report  

Why plastic is dangerous

Its biggest danger is that it does not kill immediately, but accumulates in the environment, slowly and imperceptibly enters the human body and causes various diseases.

People do not consider it a threat, they are used to using plastic, it, like an invisible enemy, is always around in the form of food containers, covering things, dissolved in water, contained in the air, lies in the soil. 

What you need to protect your health from plastic

Reduce the production of plastic around the world, abandon single-use products, develop the recycling industry in order to recycle the huge amount of plastic that has accumulated over 50 years.

Return to the use of safe materials: wood, ceramics, natural fabrics, glass and metal. All these materials are recyclable, but most importantly, they are natural for nature. 

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