How to lose weight fast on a delicious apricot diet

“There is no food richer than fruit,” says Japanese doctor Katsuzo Nishi. He explains this by the fact that the fruits are perfectly balanced acids and alkalis. This food does not cause excessive thirst, but “washes” the cells of the body from within, cleansing them.

In the apricot season, we decided to pay attention to this fruit and learned that with the help of apricot you can easily lose weight. And most importantly, if you choose an apricot monodiet (ie eat only apricots), then you will lose 4-5 pounds a week! 

What is useful apricot diet

  1. The high content of vitamin C and Retinol contribute not only to the weight loss process, but also to strengthen the immune system, while improving the quality of vision and bone strength.
  2. Apricot helps reduce the risk of cancer due to the large amount of beta-carotene in it.
  3. Beta-carotene is also an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, paralysis and heart disease.
  4. Regular consumption of apricots allows you to clean the body of toxins, normalize the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

Apricot diet: rules

1. This is a monodiet. We eat only apricots. It is necessary to eat 800 g of ripe apricots, dividing this amount into 3-4 equal portions.

2. But we eat them as we want. Apricots can be eaten whole fruit or in the form of a sweet fruit salad or apricot puree. You can add a small amount of sweet apple pulp to apricots.

3. Apricots: not only eat but also drink. It is also recommended to boil the juice or compote and apricots, and for lunch to eat apricot puree soup with dried apricots in a ratio of 500 g of fresh fruit and 300 g of dried apricots. Before cooking, you can grind dried apricots in a blender.

Apricot juice is prepared for the diet as follows: Ripe apricots are thoroughly washed, dried with a paper towel. They need to be cut in two halves and remove the bone. Apricot pulp is “driven” through a juicer. The juice can be drunk immediately without defending.

4. Drink “friendly” apricot diet drinks. During the diet, you can drink without restrictions green tea and mineral water without gases.

5. Once a month. Just as much you can go on an apricot diet. Apricot diet is useful not only for overweight people, but also for the overall strengthening of the body. If once a month to put your body on an apricot diet, you can not only improve your appearance, but also improve well-being.

Also during the diet should be prepared for possible intestinal disorders due to the large number of unusual foods. But do not be afraid of it.

6. Possible relaxations. You can add dietary products, such as: vegetable soups, broccoli, low-fat beef zucchini, but only in very small quantities.

7. Apricots – only well washed. Apricots should be thoroughly washed before eating, discarded in a colander and let the water drain from them.

Who is forbidden apricot diet

Apricot diet is contraindicated for people with diabetes, intestinal obstruction, gastritis. If you are unsure whether to practice an apricot diet or not, consult your doctor.

Bless you!

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