Why is hormonal health so important?

Hormonal imbalances can be the cause of a range of problems, ranging from acne and mood swings to weight gain and hair loss. They are powerful chemical messengers that regulate the functioning of the entire body. The normal functioning of the hormonal system is more than just important.

Hormones are produced in organs called endocrine glands and act on cells at the DNA level, literally giving instructions to every cell in the body. Imbalance and hormonal fluctuations result in unpleasant and extremely undesirable processes in the body.

1. Weight problems

Unhealthy weight gain is often associated with thyroid dysfunction in women. And indeed: women are more prone to painful conditions of this organ, but so are men. More than 12% of the world’s population will experience thyroid problems during their lifetime, some of the symptoms of which are unstable weight and constant fatigue. More often, however, emotional exhaustion is associated with problems with the adrenal glands. Cortisol (the stress hormone) is secreted by the adrenal glands in response to any type of stress, whether it be physical (excessive exertion), emotional (such as relationships), or mental (mental work). Cortisol is needed in stressful situations, but when it is constantly present in life, then the production of cortisol occurs in the same way – continuously. High levels of this hormone increase glucose and insulin, telling the body to store fat. They seem to tell the body: “With such constant hassle, it is necessary to save energy.”

2. Insomnia and constant fatigue

Hormone imbalance often manifests itself in sleep problems. Cortisol may be the culprit: Stress can trigger high levels of cortisol at night, which keeps you awake or makes your sleep restless. Ideally, cortisol levels peak in the morning before waking up, preparing the body for the long day ahead. In the evening, on the contrary, it decreases to the lower limit, and another hormone – melatonin – increases, making us calm and sleepy. Exercising and working hard late at night can cause the body to release cortisol at the wrong time and delay melatonin production. In this case, the body thinks that daytime is still going on. Thus, physical activity is best done in the morning, and work is completed before 7 pm. It is recommended to limit artificial light to the maximum after sunset so that melatonin begins to accumulate in the brain.

3. Mood

The hormonal background plays a primary role in our feeling of happiness or sadness, irritation and fullness, love and suffering. What’s more, some hormones act as neurotransmitters in the brain, directly influencing our thoughts and feelings. Progesterone, for example, has a calming effect on the brain. An excess of testosterone leads to aggression and irritation, while a low level of testosterone causes fatigue and lethargy. Low thyroid levels (hypothyroidism) can contribute to depression, while high levels (hyperthyroidism) can contribute to anxiety. Because there are many potential causes for mood swings, general fatigue, and low energy, it is important to work with a knowledgeable physician who is committed to identifying the cause of the condition.

4. Sex life

Hormones in one way or another affect the sexual life. They determine not only the level of libido, but also sexual function. Proper testosterone levels, for example, are essential for a healthy interest in sexual activity. An imbalance can be the reason that your partner “doesn’t feel like it.” Testosterone levels begin to decline, as a rule, from the age of 35, but under the influence of prolonged stress, the decline can begin even earlier.


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