How to get more out of simple food

Every home usually has an established way of cleaning, cutting and preparing vegetables. Most of them are so routine that we don’t even think about it. For example, you always eat carrots raw, or you always peel potatoes. But some of these habits can prevent you from getting the nutrients you need from food.

Here are some tips on how to get the most out of your products:

Vitamin C + vegetables = better iron absorption.

Did you know that iron rich vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and kale contain iron which is difficult for our body to absorb and passes through and out of our bodies? Just add vitamin C in the form of citrus fruits to these vegetables. The combination of vitamins will help the body absorb this essential mineral. So squeeze some lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit juice into your stewed vegetables (it also adds flavor). Or wash the vegetables down with a glass of fresh orange juice. The bottom line is the combination of citrus fruits and greens in one meal for better absorption of iron.

Crushed garlic is healthier than whole  

Crush garlic before use to activate allicin, a unique sulfur compound that helps fight disease and promote antioxidant activity. If you let the garlic stand for at least ten minutes before eating, the amount of allicin increases. The finer you grind it, the more allicin you get. Another tip: The spicier the garlic, the healthier it is.

Ground flax seeds are healthier than whole  

Most nutritionists recommend ground flaxseeds because they are easier to digest when ground. Whole seeds pass through the intestines undigested, which means you won’t get much benefit, says the Mayo Clinic. Grind flaxseeds in a coffee grinder and add to soups, stews, salads and breads. Flax seeds help to digest food better and lower blood cholesterol levels.

Potato skins are an excellent source of nutrients

A very large portion of the dietary fiber in potatoes is found right under the skin. If you need to peel your potatoes, do it gently with a vegetable peeler, removing only a thin layer to retain all the nutrients. The Washington State Potato Federation indicates that the average potato with the skin contains only 110 calories but provides 45% of the daily vitamin C requirement, multiple micronutrients and 630 mg of potassium – comparable to bananas, broccoli and spinach.

Pasta + Vinegar = Balanced Blood Sugar

According to the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, red wine vinegar can control blood sugar spikes. The reason is that it contains acetic acid, which regulates blood sugar levels after eating starchy carbohydrate-rich foods such as pasta, rice, and bread.


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