How long to cook a stracatella?

How long to cook a stracatella?

Cook the Italian stracciella soup for 1 hour.

How to cook stracatella


Chicken broth – 1,7 liters

Eggs – 3 pieces

Semolina – 1/3 cup

Parmesan cheese – 200 grams

Parsley – a bunch

Nutmeg – 10 grams

Lemon – 1/2 piece

Black pepper – to taste

Salt – to taste

How to make stracciella soup

1. Boil chicken stock from 2 liters of water and 300 grams of chicken pieces (breast, thighs or legs).

2. Pour a third of the broth into a cup and cool, place the rest in a saucepan on the burner and let it boil.

3. Grate the Parmesan into fine shavings.

4. Finely chop the parsley.

5. Grate the zest of half a lemon.

6. Put eggs, semolina, cheese, parsley, nutmeg into the cold broth and shake with a whisk.

7. Slowly pour the egg mass into the hot broth, stirring all the time with a whisk, sprinkle with salt and pepper and keep for 3-5 minutes on low heat.

8. In bowls, sprinkle grated cheese, parsley and lemon zest on the soup.


See more soups, how to cook them and cooking times!

Delicious facts

– In Italy there is a legend that the commander Julius Caesar loved the stracatella soup, and the recipe was borrowed from one of the peoples captured by the Roman army.

– The name of the soup has roots in the Italian word “stracciato”, which translates as “torn”, “rags”. A raw egg poured into a hot broth becomes rags.

– The soup is prepared with beef or chicken broth. Italians use brown broth, which is obtained by frying chicken bones with onions, carrots and tomato paste in a pan.

– The egg mixture must be poured into the hot broth gradually in a thin stream, constantly stirring. So “rags” will appear immediately, and the broth will remain transparent.

– Any hard cheese can be used instead of Parmesan.

– The soup is served with grated cheese, chopped parsley and cheese toasts.

– Lemon juice can be added to the finished stracatella.

Reading time – 2 minutes.


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