“No” to food that causes bad emotions

Surprisingly for many to this day, there is a synchronous relationship between food and our emotions, actions, words. The human body is a sensitive, finely tuned instrument, where there is a close relationship between aggression and malnutrition.

Scientific research reveals the ability of certain products to make us sad, happy or even pissed off. Researchers are sure that behavioral changes, drastic changes in actions and attitudes towards something can be associated with the last meal.

Some research has linked foods high in carbs and sugar with aggressiveness, irritability, and even anger. It is known that the abuse of refined carbohydrates increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer. However, only recently it has been found that they stimulate the development of depression and, in some cases, cruelty. Surges in blood sugar levels certainly have an impact on mood. Do you know the feeling when after a hearty cream cake you feel out of place after a while? Of course, because the body received, if not lethal, then a dose of sugar close to it. This is especially noticeable in children, who can give out a sudden tantrum after eating a good portion of cake. Regulating and controlling the consumption of sugary foods is essential for a balanced mood. Nutritionist Nicolette Pace says: It is worth noting here that The human body needs healthy carbohydrates! Being inherent in the Paleo diet, low carbohydrate intake can consistently worsen mood. Fatigue, lethargy, laziness and moodiness can signal that the body is not getting enough plant-based complex carbohydrates.


A University of California study found a relationship between the amount of trans fatty acids consumed and how aggressive a person becomes. Trans fatty acids are “fake” fats that clog arteries, increase low-density lipoprotein (“bad” cholesterol), and decrease high-density lipoprotein (“good” cholesterol) in the blood. These deadly “fat impostors” are present in margarine, spreads and mayonnaise. , which play an important role in maintaining the emotional balance of a person and the absence of which is associated with antisocial behavior and depression. It is known that when a depressed emotional state, many people are drawn to refined foods, trying to “drown out” an undesirable state and alleviate it. Trans fats are often present in meat and dairy products because they increase shelf life.

One of the world’s top stimulants your body can get. When you drink too much coffee (this is a different concept for each individual), your heart rate, blood pressure and … stress hormone increase. This is because caffeine blocks the soothing adenosine receptors, allowing other, more active and energetic neurotransmitters to take over. For this reason, a small household nuisance for a coffee lover can result in strong excitement and capriciousness.

In general, there is enough negativity in the world to add your own “5 kopecks” to it. A large number of studies carried out agree on the following conclusions.

– Coffee – Refined sugar – Refined foods – Trans fats – Spicy foods – Alcohol – Extreme eating experiments (fasting, for example)

I would also like to note that certain products can cause the opposite effect: fullness and relaxation. These include: .

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