How does it work, an infant?

Burping and spitting

The newborn baby systematically spits after the bottle or the breast. This is due to an immaturity of the “joint” between the esophagus and the stomach (or open heart). No worries, in a few months everything will be fine.

The fountains

Fontanelles – 6 in total – are membranes that separate the bones of the skull. The largest of these is located at the top of the head. Their function is to allow it to adapt to the growth of the brain

Yellow complexion

Jaundice or jaundice often appears around the 2nd-3rd day and resolves spontaneously around the 10th day.

Read also the file “Infant jaundice»


The healing umbilical cord very often produces a clear, viscous fluid. Nothing very normal, unless it begins to color, turns red and infected. In this case, it is necessary to consult.


After three or four weeks sometimes appear small pimples on the chest, face, neck: this infant acne is due to the drop in maternal estrogen levels. Above all, nothing should be applied on it, it will pass by itself.

Read also the file “Relieve small skin problems»


Her belly is growling? These colic, often spectacular, are almost a necessary step during the first months. Softness and small massages will relieve it effectively.

Read also the file “Colic in infants: how to relieve them? “


They are often covered with a clear transparent liquid like tears: don’t worry, her tear duct is not yet fully functional. On the other hand, if he has red or glued eyes, you must consult, it is conjunctivitis.

Read also the file “Her eyes cry all the time»

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