Electrolytes: what are they and how to replenish them

Not everyone understands what is meant when it comes to electrolytes. Meanwhile, each electrolyte plays a specific role in maintaining a specific biological function. Let’s clarify the situation. Electrolytes are minerals present in the blood and other body fluids that carry an electrical charge. These include: The most abundant mineral in our body. Calcium affects muscle contractions, sends and receives nerve impulses, and maintains a regular heart rhythm.

Found in salt and many vegetables, chlorine is responsible for maintaining a healthy balance of body fluids, and plays an important role in body hydration.

Promotes the functioning of the nervous system, muscle contractions, regulates the use of nutrients for energy production.

Plays an important role in the production of ATP – the main source of fuel for muscles. Phosphorus supports the normal functioning of the kidneys.

The main focus of this mineral is on the work of smooth muscles, such as the heart and digestive tract.

Helps carry nerve impulses and stimulates muscle contractions. In addition, sodium controls blood pressure. As you may have noticed, there is a strong relationship between electrolytes and muscle contractions and nerve signals. This explains why it is especially important for us to replenish electrolytes during physical activity, because we also lose them through sweat. The best natural drink full of electrolytes is coconut water. The balance of fluid and electrolytes in it is remarkably similar to what is present in our body. And finally … Whisk in a blender until the consistency of juice. Let’s drink and enjoy a healthy drink!

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