Baby at 8 months

His progress in gross motor skills

With your feet firmly planted on the ground, baby is now supported on both legs. He also tries to lean on the furniture to stand up. Around 8 months, and even before for some, the children manage to sit still. You can then play with your baby without having to support it.

At this stage, some toddlers move around by rolling or sliding on the floor. Others have already started four legs. As your baby is more and more mobile, watch him carefully. Also consider investing in a security fence to block the entrance to the kitchen or access to the staircase.

To avoid domestic accidents, consult our file “Prevent domestic accidents«.

His progress in fine motor skills

At 8 months, your child’s gestures are refined. He touches everything and grabs smaller and smaller objects. Be careful not to leave dangerous objects within reach. Some babies are also able to hold objects with a pinch, that is, between the thumb and forefinger. Around this age, they also begin to take a cookie by yourself.

Language and understanding

At this age, your child’s understanding improves. He babbles always as much and repeat willingly several syllables like “ma ma ma ma” or “pa pa pa pa”. Now your little one also knows what “no” means. On the other hand, he expresses his emotions with more ease and often reaches out for you to take it.

Your baby’s games at 8 months

For games, periods of concentration are very short in babies. At 8 months, your little one especially likes manipulate toys squealing and listening to music boxes.

He also appreciates the moments of play with you. Take the opportunity to share moments of complicity with your baby, especially with soft toys or puppets. Also offer him a small fabric balloon that he will enjoy rolling or throwing away.

Socializing your baby at 8 months

This month, your baby is entering the phase commonly referred to as “separation anxietyOr “eighth month anxiety”. In short, your little one is anxious to leave you. During this course, as soon as your child loses sight of you, even for a few moments, it is the tragedy. This period is particularly difficult for working mothers who have to leave their babies in the nursery or with the nanny.

Little advice : as soon as possible, try to satisfy her enormous need for affection. Over time, your child will understand that when you leave him, you always end up coming back.

Anxious about leaving your little one? Discover all our tips for better living “separation”.

At 8 months, your baby’s behavior towards others also changes. While he was quite sociable the previous months, he can therefore showaversion or fear of strangers. It is not uncommon for him to suddenly start to cry.

Your baby’s health at 8 months

His growth

Your baby continues to grow and gain weight. This month, it weighs between 6,3 and 10,2 kg. Size side, your child measures between 63 and 74 cm. On average, his head circumference is 44 cm.


Consider taking your child to the doctor soon for the second compulsory visit of 9 months. Usually, it takes place between the 8th and 10th month. During this consultation, the doctor will review with you your baby’s sleep and his daily environment. Other points scrutinized: the acquisitions and learning of your baby. Finally, the pediatrician will do a small check of his sight and hearing. Clearly, a real health check-up.

Feeding your baby at 8 months

At 8 months, your baby’s plate is more and more varied. For a balanced diet, give him 150 g of mashed vegetables for lunch and dinner. Do not hesitate to thicken its purees with tapioca, small pasta or semolina. On the fruit side, you can now give your little one a taste of grated apple and new fruits such as stewed raspberries or mashed bananas, without adding sugar. You can also start mixing any fruits your baby is familiar with: apple and pear or peach and apricot. One or two small jars spread over two or three meals or the equivalent in homemade compote will suffice, for the moment, for your child. If you want to give her fruit juices, choose only special baby juices. You can also give it a squeezed orange, without the pulp, diluted in a little water.

During meals, your little one shows his desire for autonomy : he wants more and more to feed himself and to use his fingers. He tries to grab certain foods between his thumb and forefinger to bring them to his mouth. Bibs are therefore essential!

Your baby’s sleep at 8 months

At 8 months, your child’s sleep patterns may be disturbed. This is due to the separation anxiety that reigns in your little one. Your baby may have trouble falling asleep. To maintain this course, you can put a soft little music in his room. It is also essential to keep the same ceremonial at bedtime so that your child keeps his bearings. Another tip: him offer a blanket to console and reassure him.

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