Houseplants that bring wealth

Indoor flowers not only decorate the apartment and give joyful moments, but, according to popular beliefs, bring happiness and wealth to the house. Of course, not all plants are capable of becoming a talisman and attracting good luck. Therefore, we have selected the main specimens that project energy into financial well-being.

The moisture-loving fern (nephrolepis, asplenium, mnogoryadnik) is a kind of generator of wealth and is able to protect against unnecessary spending. According to popular belief, if you buy a shit fly (or garden fern), then soon you may turn up a large amount of money (inheritance, winnings). And if your green plant blooms, then you can definitely forget about need. By the way, it was not in vain that many heroes in the works of Russian classics were looking for a blooming fern in order to get rid of troubles forever and attract happiness and success.

The tree fat woman, or “money tree” (crassula), is one of the most popular indoor plants. There is a belief that if the leaves on a tree are small, then a small change will always ring in your pocket, and if large, then paper bills. And in order to completely tune the tree in the right way, it must be planted in a green or red pot, watered on time and in no case cut off dry leaves. It is forbidden! But if the plant blooms, then unexpected wealth shines.

The common geranium, familiar to many, should not be written off either! Firstly, this plant is one of the most unpretentious, secondly, it perfectly repels insects, and thirdly, according to popular beliefs, it is a real magnet for money. But here’s the paradox, for geranium to “work” better, you need to put an azalea next to it and expect a pleasant crunch of bills in your wallet.

Cacti, contrary to the opinion that they are not the most welcome guests in an apartment, are able not only to take away negative energy (they are often placed near computers), but also to protect material well-being. And even increase wealth! You just need to provide your green pet with bright light and moderate watering. And then, according to popular belief, this plant will protect you from financial losses and even … save you from robbers.

Indoor bamboo or Dracaena Sander also symbolizes prosperity, good luck and rapid growth, including material ones. Care for this mysterious plant is minimal, it is enough only to water it on time and abundantly, especially in the warm season. According to the eastern teachings of feng shui, if the bamboo shoots, then your well-being will also go up. And to speed up this process, you can put another oriental symbol of wealth next to the plant – a figurine of a toad with a coin in its mouth.

Zamioculcas or “dollar tree” is also very unpretentious in care and requires only timely watering. This plant is the European analogue of the “money tree”, so it is believed that whoever has this green pet at home will never know the need and will not part with green bills.

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