Hot Body from Jillian Michaels: 3 workout for weight loss after childbirth or for beginners

Hot Body, Healthy Mommy is a program for beginners by Jillian Michaels, which was released in 2016. The complex of exercises suitable for recovery after childbirth and those who are just beginning to do.

Jillian Michaels regularly pleases its fans with new DVD quality home workouts. Suggest that you try the most recent training for the whole body: Hot Body, Healthy Mommy. Jillian has created it especially for young mothers who want to get in shape after childbirth. However, the program is suitable for absolutely everyone who wants to lose weight and tighten the body. Quality aerobic-strength training will help you burn fat, accelerate metabolism, strengthen muscle and get rid of looseness and sagging.

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Program description Hot Body, Healthy Mommy

In the complex Hot Body, Healthy Mommy came in 3 workouts, each lasting 27 minutes with warmup and hitch:

  • Arms, Chest and Back: for the upper body. Transform your hands and chest, pull your shoulders and back, performing strength exercises with an emphasis on the upper body.
  • Buns and Thighs: for the lower body. You will lead to tone your hips, round buttocks, removes sagging and cellulite. You will find a large number of squats and lunges to slim the lower body.
  • Core: for abdominal and body muscles. The stomach is one of the main problem areas after childbirth, so this area requires focus. You will perform a combined exercise to burn fat on the abdomen and strengthen the muscles.

Workouts divided by body parts, but you will not perform isolated exercises for a targeted area. You are waiting for combined exercises that include the work of several groups of muscles. For example, during the execution of the Arms, Chest and Back you will also actively train the stomach and legs. In addition to physical exercises short segments of aerobic exercise, but don’t worry. Cardio is very affordable and it’s low impact.

Do for each video 2 times a week with one day off: MON, WED – Arms; TUE, FRI – Core; WED, SAT – Buns and Thighs. If you want to add the load, then you can optionally include in your fitness plan a cardio workout. We recommend you to watch: Top 20 home cardio workout from Popsugar.

For classes you will need a pair of dumbbells (1-2 kg) and the Mat on the floor. The program is suitable for primary and secondary level of training, but you can complicate the exercise, if you take dumbbells much weight. Do this program for one month and move on to more complex programs Jillian Michaels.

The pros and cons of the program Hot Body, Healthy Mommy


  1. Hot Body, Healthy Mommy is a complex for weight loss and building a beautiful slender body. A combination of aerobic and weight training will help you burn calories and lead to muscle tone.
  2. The program is perfect for obtaining a slim figure after giving birth. When creating these videos Jillian Michaels collaborated with well-known expert in the field of fitness for pregnant women (Andrea Orbeck) to create the most effective lessons for the transformation of the body after pregnancy.
  3. The complex is also perfectly suitable for beginners in fitness. A simple workout with the available load will help you gently to enter the sports mode.
  4. The program includes 3 workouts: upper body, lower body, cor. You will work over your entire body or can focus only on a specific problem area.
  5. Gillian joined the program of classical exercises without complex combinations and ligaments. Even so, almost all exercises involve several major muscle groups, allowing you to burn calories and fat.
  6. For the lessons, you will only need dumbbells and a Mat.


  1. Forced to disappoint those who were looking forward to new videos from Jillian Michaels. The program is designed for elementary/middle level and is hardly suitable for those who have been engaged in house fitness.
  2. Gillian decided not to include a separate cardio training program Hot Body, Healthy Mommy, thus making it more accessible, but slightly less effective.
Jillian Michaels - Hot Body, Healthy Mommy on FitnessOnDemand™

Feedback on program Hot Body, Healthy Mommy:

Hot Body, Healthy Mommy is a perfect program not only to restore a beautiful figure after childbirth. It is suitable for all working in primary and secondary levels. A mild and pleasant complex for the entire body will help you get a slim toned body without problem areas.

See also:

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