Hiccups in a newborn – causes, treatment. Is hiccups dangerous in a newborn baby?

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Hiccups in a newborn baby appear several or even several times a day and are not always a cause for concern. Hiccups occur so often because newborns do not have a sufficiently mature nervous system, and the hiccups itself is a physiological condition. When should hiccups in a newborn bother you and what to do to make it less frequent?

Newborn hiccups – basic information

Hiccups are normal in a newborn baby. It is based on the rhythmic and involuntary contractions of the diaphragm and the respiratory muscles of the chest. The contractions exhale and the glottis closes at the same time, producing the sound of a hiccup. As newborns get older, hiccups become less frequent. It is worth knowing that in premature babies, the ailment in question occurs more often than in babies born at the right date.

Hiccups in a newborn baby are not a medical condition that your baby experiences after birth. Interestingly, a toddler has the first hiccups at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy. During this time, she begins to learn to breathe and therefore swallows amniotic fluid. Hiccups in a child are one of the reflexes and, unlike in adults, do not indicate problems with the digestive system.

Contrary to appearances, hiccups in a newborn baby are not harmful. It turns out that thanks to it, waves of brain signals are created in the brain of the newborn, thanks to which the baby learns to breathe properly. During hiccups, the diaphragmatic muscle is activated, causing the cortex to react. The disease most often affects premature babies and can be noticed while the baby is still in the womb.

Hiccups in a newborn – causes

If the hiccups in a newborn baby are persistent, it could indicate problems with the nervous system. In this case, it will be manifested by the phrenic nerve malfunctioning, and so will hiccups. Usually, this condition occurs in the womb. A toddler may have hiccups when the baby is laughing out loudwhich will be accompanied by too greedy ingestion of too much air.

The cause of hiccups in the newborn is also the cooling of the body. This can happen, for example, when taking a bath or when changing a baby. Hiccups are also a consequence of too greedy food and too much stimulus. Affliction is an inseparable part of the life of babies, but it resolves on its own. Hiccups are rare even in toddlers one year old. Interestingly, they can be a source of joy for a child.

Hiccups in a newborn after eating

Most newborns develop hiccups right after eating. This is because the baby chokes on or swallows air. Most often it is caused by too greedily gobbling up food or not holding the bottle or breast incorrectly. A badly fitting teat may also be the cause. For these reasons, it is important to remember about the correct position of the baby during feeding.

Newborn hiccups – when should they be treated?

In many cases, treatment of newborn hiccups will not be necessary. Nevertheless, you should see a specialist when the condition begins to disturb your baby’s sleep or while feeding. Hiccups, if it occurs several times a day and lasts about an hour, could be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux. This case should also be consulted with a doctor.

Hiccups in a newborn baby should be treated when the baby loses its appetite, becomes cranky, and returns food. This condition may herald the aforementioned acid reflux, which can even cause bronchitis, anemia or aspiration pneumonia. Another disturbing symptom of hiccups in a newborn baby is the regurgitation of food up the esophagus just after or just after eating.

How to treat hiccups in a newborn?

Newborns should be carefully monitored before treatment is started. Not every reflection is necessarily a sign that your child should be examined by a doctor. When the hiccups develop after eating, wait first – when the food reaches further parts of the digestive system, the ailment will disappear. Moreover, hiccups are not equal to hiccups, so each bounce may have a different cause.

If an infant develops hiccups through ingestion of air, the baby should be carried upright. The baby’s head should rest on the shoulder of the person wearing it – it is worth remembering that the baby’s belly should also adhere to the body of the person wearing it. It will also be helpful to help your baby deflect food after a meal by gently patting him on the back.

Hiccups in a newborn baby can also be treated by warming the baby. You can then cover him with a blanket and hug him. This method will work when the ailment appeared in the child as a result of hypothermia. It will be helpful to lay your baby on his stomach and pat him on the back, but with the palm of your hand so that there is room for air inside.

Check what are the parameters of the child’s health

Can hiccups be prevented in a newborn?

Frequent hiccups in newborns are normal in most cases, unless accompanied by other distressing symptoms. To reduce the risk of hiccups, do not feed your baby until he is very hungry. Thanks to this, the toddler will drink the milk without rushing. When feeding, it is worth creating a pleasant atmosphere and taking your time. Too energetic fun will also be inadvisable.

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