A crackling sound in the pond

Is crackling in the joint a symptom of the disease?

For some time I have heard crackles in my right ankle when I walk. Nothing hurts me. Is it something dangerous and should I go to an orthopedist with it?

~ Jarek

Noises accompanying movements in the joint, especially after a certain period of immobility, do not necessarily indicate an illness. Articular snap is most often the result of cavitation. The fluid filling the joint cavity is highly viscous. Rapid displacement of the articular surfaces causes pressure differences between the individual compartments of the joint. The sticky fluid is sucked into the part of the joint where the pressure is lower. Before the fluid has displaced, a vacuum bubble may form in it. The collapse of such a bubble is accompanied by a crash. However, to confirm that this is the cause of the described phenomena in the author of the letter, I would have to conduct a thorough examination of the patient.

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