Frog yoga pose
The frog pose can make a princess out of a woman. You are ready? Then this material is for you: we tell you what is the use of asana, how to perform it correctly and due to what such a transformation occurs with the body!

Today we will tell you about the frog pose in the tradition of Kundalini Yoga. This is a very popular asana, dynamic (performed in motion) and incredibly beneficial. It is included in the lesson to warm up the body, to give it a good physical activity. It very quickly strengthens the knees, hips, buttocks, abdomen and the entire lower body. Makes legs strong and, what is important for women, slim and beautiful.

For beginners, the exercise will seem difficult. You will have to rest more than once, do it very slowly and count the seconds when it all ends. But such an effect, believe me, will be only at first. Then – when your body gets used to such a load, becomes more resilient – you will be happy to perform this asana. You can even “soar” in it without stopping at extreme points. Enjoy this movement.

Lose weight for sure! There is even a joke that the Frog pose can make a princess out of a woman. Personally, I believe in it, if you do yoga, then any woman will blossom. But if she also makes 108 “frogs” daily, she will be able to return to her girlish forms again. I don’t know if men will turn into princes and if they have such a task. But it is absolutely certain that a hundred sweats will come off them when performing 108 “frogs”.

The benefits of exercise

It is believed that one who practices this posture:

  • gains control over hunger and thirst
  • becomes hardy and fit
  • balances sexual energy
  • can deal with depression

The frog pose not only works out the legs and hips well, it tones and strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improves blood circulation, and also increases energy levels very powerfully.

Exercise harm

The frog pose in yoga, despite its physical load, is considered a fairly simple exercise that almost anyone can perform. And yet, there are a number of limitations. Asana should be done with caution for those who have problems:

  • with hip joints
  • knees
  • ankles

If you are not sure if you can do the frog pose, please consult your doctor.

Temporary restrictions:

  • a lot of weight (we make a pose, as it turns out, do not be zealous)
  • full stomach (should take 2-3 hours after a light meal)
  • headache
  • malaise
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How to do the frog pose

ATTENTION! The description of the exercise is given for a healthy person. It is better to start the lesson with an instructor who will help you master the correct and safe performance of the asana. If you do it yourself, carefully watch our video tutorial! Wrong practice can be useless and even dangerous to the body.

Step by step execution technique

Step 1

Sit on your haunches, keep your heels together. We tear off the heels from the floor, standing only on the tips of the fingers. The heels touch each other. Attention! The wider we spread our knees, the more effective this pose will be.

Step 2

We rest with the tips of the fingers in front of us. The face and chest looks forward.

Step 3

And we start moving. With an inhalation, we raise the pelvis up, straighten the legs at the knees, stretch the back of the thigh, while relaxing the neck. Keep your fingertips on the floor. We do not lower the heels, they remain on weight and continue to touch each other.

Step 4

With an exhalation, we go down, while looking forward, the knees are on the sides of the hands. We spread our knees wide.


This exercise should be performed with very powerful breathing: inhale – up, exhale – down.

Frog Pose Time

For the best result, instructors prescribe 108 Frogs. But only trained yogis can cope with so many times. Therefore, for beginners, the advice is this: first perform 21 approaches. Over time, increase the number to 54. And reach in your practice up to 108 executions without rest breaks.

After the frog pose, be sure to relax. How powerfully you have worked physically now, your rest should be so deep. The best way to deal with this is shavasana – a relaxation pose (see description in the asana section). 7 minutes will be enough to relax well.

Another way out of the “frog”: we remain in the upper bent position, connect the feet and relax our hands. Let them hang like whips. In this position, we breathe evenly and calmly. And with each exhalation, we relax the muscles of the back, arms and legs more and more. And we lower the spine lower and lower. A few breaths will suffice. We come out of the pose slowly, carefully.

And another important point. Drink as much clean water as possible throughout the day. The frog pose improves metabolism and starts the cleansing process.

Have a good practice!

We thank for the help in organizing the filming the yoga and qigong studio “BREATHE”:

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