Food poisoning – what diet to follow?
Food poisoning - what diet to follow?Food poisoning – what diet to follow?

Food poisoning is one of the most common ailments that affects us. It is especially easy to get them when basic hygiene rules are not observed, e.g. not washing hands before a meal or eating in places where we have limited confidence in terms of the quality of the dishes served there or the cleanliness prevailing in them. Although sometimes poisoning cannot be avoided, despite caution and prudence. The unpleasant symptoms of an aching stomach will not let us overlook this fact. What should be done then? What should you do if you experience diarrhea or vomiting? What diet to follow in this condition?

Food poisoning – diet

Food poisoning In the simplest terms, it is an inflammation of the digestive tract, which is usually caused by bacteria or viruses found in food. Very often the topic offood poisoning accompanied by the belief that in this state you should serve yourself a fast. It must be said out loud as soon as possible that this is a false claim. Diet after poisoning it cannot be starvation. Even if we have symptoms that at least discourage us from taking food – vomiting, diarrhoea, we cannot starve ourselves in this state. And so, in the initial phase of poisoning, it is worth using over-the-counter medications, e.g. Smecta, without forgetting to drink fluids. You can reach for gruel on the water, then, following a strict diet, prepare easily digestible dishes. If the poisoning is severe and the symptoms persist, remember to eat several small meals throughout the day. In food poisoning, we are exposed to dehydration due to frequent bowel movements and vomiting. Therefore, you need to meet this risk and drink plenty of non-carbonated mineral water or bitter tea.

Diet after food poisoning – what to eat?

Diet after food poisoning it requires us to follow a few basic principles in nutrition. And so, in this most difficult first moment, it is necessary to take liquids in the form of herbal teas (camomile, mint infusion), hydration drinks. During this time, we should drink about two liters of fluids a day. Diet after vomiting stops can be gradually enriched with rice or semolina gruel cooked in water.

The following days include the inclusion of other products in the menu. Meals should be easily digestible, porridges can be flavored with boiled carrots, apples, celery. Rusks, corn crisps, wheat rolls are also recommended. Once the most exhausting and aggravating symptoms—diarrhea and vomiting—have completely subsided, you can add more foods to your diet to replenish nutrients. A safe sandwich will be prepared from a wheat roll, spread with butter, with a slice of ham on it. Alternatively, you can also eat cottage cheese, flavored with jam or honey.

As long as in the first days it is necessary to eat pastes and pastes, in the next ones you can gradually include finely cut meat dishes (choose lean and delicate ones: veal, chicken, turkey) and vegetable dishes. The right choice then is rice, groats, soft-boiled eggs. Dairy products should also be introduced gradually, starting with the least invasive natural yoghurt or kefir. It is important to take small portions regularly, at least four times a day. And you can’t forget to avoid fatty and spicy foods, which are hard to digest, and also coffee, strong tea, alcohol, and in the initial period also vegetables, fruits, and sweet desserts.

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