Fermented Foods: What They Are and Why They’re So Healthy

Fermented foods are fermented foods that only get healthier from the process. There are a great many fermented foods on earth, and each culture has its own. From dairy products to hundreds of varieties of tofu products. It is believed that all of them are very useful for our microflora and the body as a whole. And all because in the process of fermentation in vegetables, cereals, dairy products, probiotics begin to form. Probiotics can be found in lactic acid fermentation products – sauerkraut, bread kvass, miso, kombucha, kefir. Probiotics facilitate digestion, nourish our own microflora, kill disease-causing bacteria within us, and normalize bowel function. 

What are the most popular and healthy fermented foods? 


Kefir is the most famous and affordable fermented product. It is prepared not only from cow’s milk, but also from any other with the help of kefir sourdough. Kefir is rich in vitamins B12 and K2, magnesium, calcium, biotin, folate, and probiotics. It is not for nothing that babies are given kefir when their tummy hurts – kefir facilitates digestion and eliminates discomfort in the intestines. 


– Another affordable fermented product. Proper yogurt contains a huge amount of probiotics and antioxidants, as well as high-quality protein. The healthiest yogurts are made at home, and you don’t need a yogurt maker to make them. Just bring milk to a boil, mix with yogurt and leave for 6-8 hours in a warm place. Even if you don’t get the yogurt of your dreams right away, don’t be discouraged and try again! 

Kombucha (kombucha) 

Yes, yes, the trendy kombucha drink is the same kombucha that our grandmothers grew in a jar on the windowsill. – an extremely healthy drink, especially if it is made by yourself, and not bought in a store. Kombucha is obtained by fermenting tea with sugar or honey with the participation of kombucha. The combination of sugar and tea turns into a set of useful substances: B vitamins, enzymes, prebiotics, beneficial acids. Kombucha regulates blood sugar levels, reduces appetite, cleanses the body and supports immunity. If you buy kombucha from the store, make sure the bottle says it’s unpasteurized and unfiltered – this kombucha will bring the most benefits to your body. 


The oldest Russian fermented product is sauerkraut. It is rich in fiber, vitamins A, B, C and K, iron, calcium and magnesium. Sauerkraut fights inflammation, improves metabolism, strengthens bones and lowers cholesterol. And sauerkraut is delicious too! It can be eaten with roasted vegetables, cheese, or simply as a healthy snack. 

Salted cucumbers 

Surprised? It turns out that pickles are also obtained in the fermentation process! Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and beneficial bacteria are literally in every pickle. One cucumber contains as much as 18% of the daily value of a rare vitamin K. The most useful pickles are pickled on their own. Look for delicious dishes with pickles. 


Tempeh is also made from sourdough soybeans, which is called tempeh. Tempeh looks like tofu. It contains B vitamins, a lot of vegetable protein, due to which tempeh becomes an ideal product for vegan athletes. As a fermented product, it improves digestion and renews the intestinal microflora. 


is a soy paste made from fermented soybeans. Miso helps fight age-related changes in the body, strengthens the immune system, resists the growth of cancer cells and heals the nervous system. The easiest way is to buy miso in the store and eat it with bread or vegetable salads – it’s very tasty! 

Unpasteurized cheese 

Live cheese is cheese made from unpasteurized raw milk. When fermented in such cheese, useful acids, proteins are formed and enzymes are preserved that improve digestion. Probiotics strengthen the nervous and immune systems, destroy harmful bacteria in the intestines and promote detoxification. Live cheese is definitely not found in the supermarket, but you can cook it yourself. It pairs best with a generous serving of vegetable salad. 

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