

An erysipelas designates a skin infection due to a streptococcal type bacteria or more rarely a staphylococcus or pseudomonas type bacteria. This infection can affect various parts of the body, especially the legs and face. It is mainly characterized by a red, shiny, swollen and warm skin, often accompanied by severe pain. Although erysipelas can occur at any age, the risk of infection is higher after 40 years. The taking antibiotics is the basic treatment.

Description of erysipelas

Erysipelas is an infection of the skin that causes a strong defensive reaction in the body. This inflammatory process concerns the dermis and the hypodermis (= the two layers of the skin which are located just under the epidermis), which is why we sometimes speak of acute dermal hypodermitis. This bacterial infection is most often caused by streptococcus. In fgeneral, the bacteria enter the body through a “gateway “, For example a sore between the toes or a ulcer.

Erysipelas: populations at risk and risk factors

Erysipelas affects children as well as adults. That said, disease incidence increases with age, people over 40 are more exposed, with a peak frequency around 60 years.

Risk factors for erysipelas

Due to the passage of the bacteria through a “gateway”, any skin lesion increases the risk of infection:

  • cut
  • Ulcer
  • Edema of the lower limbs
  • Postoperative wound
  • Mycosis with cracks between the toes
  • Skin disease (dermatosis), especiallyintertrigo
  • Insect bite
  • Gardening

Other more general risk factors:

  • Alcoholism
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Immunosuppression (= weakened immune system)

Symptoms of erysipelas

The disease manifests itself suddenly by a significant rise in temperature (39 ° or 40 °) and chills. Skin lesions may appear shortly before or shortly after these first signs. They take the form of red and shiny patches, in the skin, swollen by inflammation. The subject feels severe pain, the affected area becomes hot. Sometimes there is also an increase in the size of the lymph nodes (= lymphadenopathy) located near where erysipelas is drained: for example in the groin, if erysipelas is located on one leg. We can sometimes observe a red trail between the “sick” area, and the so-called “satellite” node to which this diseased area is drained, this is called lymphangitis.

Remark : Cases of erysipelas without fever have been reported but they are very rare.

The extent and severity of erysipelas varies from person to person. The antibiotic treatment well prescribed and followed, makes it possible to avoid the extension of erysipelas and the sometimes serious complications: general or of the face.


Diagnosis of erysipelas

The lesions being characteristic, the doctor makes his diagnosis of erysipelas simply by examining the sick person. The presence of fever, the red, swollen and shiny appearance of the affected area and the increase in the size of the lymph nodes can be appreciated during the consultation.

In about 3 out of 4 cases, the doctor can identify the “gateway” of the infection, that is, the place through which bacteria entered the body.

Additional examinations are then unnecessary.

Treatments for erysipelas

Antibiotic therapy (= administration of antibiotics) are the treatment of choice erysipelas. The doctor usually prescribes the a penicillin (by seeing intravenously in hospital in case of severe erysipelas: Penicillin G at a dose of 10 to 20 million units per day, or orally in case of erysipelas without signs of seriousness: amoxicillin), or in case of allergy, he may recommend pristinamycin and recommend rest until recovery. When erysipelas recurs, other treatments may be put in place.

Treatment should also include treating the area through which the bacteria entered the body.

The doctor always checks that the tetanus vaccination is up to date.

In case of erysipelas, taking anti-inflammatory drugs is totally contraindicated. On the other hand, anti-pain treatments can provide relief before the effect of antibiotics.

The fever should drop within 72 hours, otherwise the antibiotic treatment is unsuitable and needs to be changed. Then the area gradually returns to its normal appearance, healing becomes complete after 10-15 days.

Erysipelas: complications

If erysipelas is not treated with antibiotics, the risk is dissemination of the bacteria in the deep tissues under the skin (necrotizing fasciitis) or even in the body, with sepsis. Thanks to antibiotics, these situations only occur in 5% of cases for erysipelas of the lower limbs.

Kidney damage may be seen due to the effect of streptococci.

Recurrences are frequent in subjects at risk.

The need for hospital care is rare, it only occurs in the event of complications.

Prevention of erysipelas

La prevention consists of avoiding the front doors. In other words, we must disinfect all wounds and preserve the integrity of the skin, especially since there is a risk of recurrence. To avoid the appearance of skin lesions such as mycosis (intertrigo), good personal hygiene is essential, especially in the feet and legs. It is therefore necessary to carefully dry the folds, moisturize the skin well, wear comfortable socks and prevent the appearance of ulcers by taking charge of venous and lymphatic insufficiency. Wearing compression stockings reduces the risk of erysipelas in cases of chronic venous insufficiency.

Complementary approaches to treat erysipelas

Although antibiotic treatment is systematically recommended, it can be useful to accompany it with natural care that will prevent recurrences which are frequent.


Erysipelas can be fought with a combination of essential oil of Niaouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia) and D’Eucalyptus globulus. Mix them at the rate of 8 ml and 4 ml respectively in 60 ml of vegetable oil of your choice (for example argan or hemp oil).

Apply the preparation as a compress, 3 times a day, directly to the area to be treated.

Note that oregano essential oil can also be used for its antibacterial properties.

Natural anti-infective remedies

You can use various natural anti-infectives such as:

  • the mother tincture ofEchinacea Angustifolia, at the rate of 25 drops twice a day, for 3 weeks, then, 2 times a week until the disappearance of erysipelas;
  • propolis at a rate of 5 capsules, dosed at 250 mg per day;
  • magnesium chloride, at the rate of one glass, 4 times a day.


Immerse the affected areas in a bath of two liters of water, consisting of a handful of each of the following plants: artichoke leaves, celandine, fern and nettle.

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