Symptoms, people at risk and risk factors for roseola infantum (6th disease)

Symptoms, people at risk and risk factors for roseola infantum (6th disease)

Symptoms of the disease

The name ofexantheme (meaning “eruption”) suffered comes from the appearance of a eruption after one fever of a few days:

  • Roseola begins with a sudden high fever (often above 39 ° C) for about 4 days. This fever may be accompanied by other symptoms:

    – Sore throat ;

    – Irritability;

    – Swelling of the eyelids;

    – Ganglia in the neck.

  • Then the rash usually appears around the 4st day, while the fever tends to go down. It is characterized by small macules non-itchy pinkish (flat spots) on the face and trunk. Then the rash can spread to other parts of the body. The rash also lasts about 4 days.

  • Sometimes there is no rash or it can be very fleeting, or vice versa, the rash can appear with little fever and the latter can then sometimes go unnoticed.

    THEincubation oscillates between 5 and 15 days. Roseola is most often benign and heals within a few days.

    People at risk

    La infantile roséole Usually occurs during infancy, before 4 years, most often before 6 years, with a peak in frequency between 13 and XNUMX months1. It is estimated that 90% of 2-year-olds were infected with the virus before entering Kindergarten.2.

    Risk factors

    La community life (nursery, nursery, school, etc.) is the main risk factor for contagion by roseola.

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