Dr. Spock’s advice that is hopelessly outdated and still relevant today

His child care book was written in 1943, and for many decades helped young parents raise babies. But, as the pediatrician himself said, the views on the upbringing and development of children change, although not very quickly. Compare?

At one time, Benjamin Spock made a lot of noise with the publication of the medical guide “The Child and His Care”. Noise in a good sense of the word. Firstly, in those days, information was poor, and for many young parents, the book was a real salvation. And secondly, before Spock, pedagogy was of the opinion that children should be brought up literally from the cradle in an almost Spartan spirit: discipline (to feed 5 times and exactly on schedule, do not take them unnecessarily), rigor (no tenderness and affection), exactingness (must be able, know, do, etc.). And Dr. Spock suddenly delved into child psychoanalysis and advised parents to just love their children and just follow the dictates of their hearts.

Then, almost 80 years ago, society adopted a new educational policy with a bang, and it quickly spread throughout the world. But if, on the whole, you cannot argue with an American pediatrician – who, if not mom and dad, know better than their child, then Spock has ardent opponents on medical care. Some of his advice is really outdated. But there are many who are still relevant. We collected those and others.

Baby need somewhere to sleep

“A newborn baby is more important than convenience than beauty. For the first weeks, it will suit both the cradle, and the basket, or even the box or drawer from the dresser. ”

If the baby looks cute in the wicker basket-cradle in the first weeks of life, then in the box or the box is, to put it mildly, Dr. Spock got excited. Dubious convenience will turn out for the newborn. In the modern world, cradles and cots are on every wallet and taste, and no one would ever think of putting their long-awaited baby in a drawer from the dresser. Although not so long ago, pediatricians said that for the first time the best crib for a child was really a box. In Finland, for example, they give out a box with a dowry in maternity hospitals and are advised to put the baby in it.

“When you are expecting a baby, consider buying a washing machine. This way you save time and effort. Not bad to get other mechanical assistants in the household. “

Say more, it is now difficult to find housing without washing machines. Over the past almost 80 years since the book was published, the entire household has become so advanced that Dr. Spock, looking to the future, would be happy for all moms: not only washing machines and vacuum cleaners became automated, but also bottle sterilizers, yogurt makers, milk warmers and even breast pumps.

“It is recommended to have three thermometers: for measuring the child’s body temperature, bathing water temperature and room temperature; cotton wool, from which you twist the flagella; stainless bucket with lid for diapers “.

For many years, doctors have recommended elbow measurement of water temperature, which is a more reliable and fast method. We also stopped twisting Vata, the industry is doing much better. Moreover, it was strictly forbidden to climb into the gentle ears of the baby with cotton flagella or chopsticks. The buckets with the lid were successfully replaced with washers. And once our grandmothers and mothers really used enameled buckets, boiled diapers for many hours, sprinkled with grated baby soap.

“Shirts should be long. Buy immediately the size by age in the 1 year. ”

Now everything is much simpler: whoever wants, and puts on his baby. At one time, Soviet pediatrics recommended infants to tightly swaddle so as not to be intimidated by their own reflex movements. Modern moms are already in the hospital wearing a baby suits and socks, generally avoiding swaddling. But even for the last century, advice seems dubious – after all, for the first year, the baby grows on average by 25 centimeters, and a large vest is hardly comfortable and convenient.

“Those children who didn’t get away with all the first 3 of the month will probably be a little spoiled. When it’s time for a child to sleep, you can tell him with a smile, but firmly that it’s time for him to sleep. Having said that, go away, even if he shouts for a few minutes. ”

Surely, many parents did so, then accustom the child to the bed. But most of them are guided by common sense, they do not let the newborn scream, they rock it in their arms, they hug, they take the baby to their bed. And the advice about “letting a child cry out” is considered one of the most cruel.

“It is advisable to teach a child from birth to sleep on his stomach, if he does not mind. Later, when he learns to roll over, he will be able to change his position himself. ”

The doctor was sure that most children feel more comfortable sleeping on their stomachs. And lying on your back is life threatening (if the child is vomited, he may choke). Years later, medical studies of such a dangerous phenomenon as the syndrome of sudden infant mortality appeared, and it turned out that Spock was very much mistaken. Just the position of the baby on the stomach is fraught with irreversible consequences.

“The first time a child is applied to the breast approximately 18 hours after birth.”

On this, the opinions of Russian pediatricians differ. Each birth takes place individually, and many factors affect the time of the first breast attachment. Usually they try to give the baby to his mother immediately after his birth, this helps the baby to reduce the effects of birth stress, and his mother – to adjust the production of milk. It is believed that the first colostrum helps to form the immune system and protection from allergies. But in many Russian maternity hospitals it is recommended to start feeding a newborn only after 6-12 hours.

“The nursing mother’s menu should include any of the following foods: oranges, tomatoes, fresh cabbage, or berries.”

Now in matters of feeding and caring for the baby, moms have a lot of freedom. But in Russia, the named products are excluded from the women’s menu in official health facilities. Citrus fruits and berries – strong allergens, fresh vegetables and fruits contribute to the process of fermentation in the body, not only the mother, but also the baby through mom’s milk (provided that the baby is breastfed). Incidentally, Dr. Spock advised infants to introduce infant foods, starting with “aggressive” products. For example, orange juice. And since the 2-6 months, a child, according to Benjamin Spock, should taste the meat and liver. Russian nutritionists believe differently: not earlier than 8 months, the immature intestines of the infant cannot digest meat dishes, therefore, in order not to do any harm, it is better not to hurry with meat lure. And it is advised to wait with juices for a year, they are of little use.

“Milk is straight from the cow. It should be boiled for 5 minutes. ”

Now, probably, no pediatrician in the world will advise to feed an infant baby with cow’s milk, and even with sugar. And Spock advised. Perhaps in his time there were fewer allergic reactions and there was certainly less scientific research about the dangers of whole cow’s milk to a child’s body. Now only breastmilk or milk formula is allowed. It must be said that Spock’s advice on feeding is now the most criticized.

“Common sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, a mixture of dextrin and soda sugar, lactose. The doctor will recommend the type of sugar that he thinks is best for your child. ”

Modern nutritionists from this thesis in horror. No sugar! Natural glucose is found in breast milk, adapted milk mixture, fruit puree. And this is enough for the baby. We will manage somehow without corn syrup and dextrin mixture.

“A child weighing about 4,5 kg and eating normally during the day does not need night feeding.”

Today pediatricians have the opposite opinion. It is nightly feeding that stimulates the production of the hormone prolactin, which makes breastfeeding possible. According to the recommendations of the WHO to feed the baby need on his request, as often as he demands.

“I do not advocate physical punishment, but I believe that it is less harmful than prolonged deaf irritation. Slapping a child, you will lead the soul, and everything will fall into place. ”

For a long time, corporal punishment of offspring for offense was not condemned in society. Moreover, a couple of centuries ago in Russia even a teacher could punish his students with rods. It is now believed that children cannot be beaten. Never. Although there is still a lot of controversy around this issue.

“Do comics, TV shows and movies contribute to the growth of juvenile delinquency?” I wouldn’t worry about a balanced six-year-old kid watching a cowboy movie on TV. ”

We feel ridiculous and naive fears of parents who lived in the middle of the last century, but in fact this problem is relevant. The flow of information harmful to the child’s mind, which modern schoolchildren have access to, is enormous. And how this will affect the generation is still unknown. Dr. Spock had this opinion: “If a child is good at preparing homework, he spends enough time outdoors, with friends, eats and sleeps on time and if the scary programs do not frighten him, I would allow him to watch TV shows and listen to the radio as much as wants. I would not blame him for it or scold him. This will not make him stop loving television and radio programs, but quite the opposite. ” And in some ways he is right: the forbidden fruit is sweet.

Continued with Dr. Spock’s current advice on the next page.

“Do not be afraid to love it and enjoy it. It is vital for every child to be caressed, smile at him, talk and play with him, love him and be gentle with him. A child who lacks love and affection grows up cold and unresponsive. ”

In modern society, this seems so natural that it is even difficult to imagine what could have been otherwise. But the times were different, there were many different methods for raising children and in austerity as well.

“Love your child as he is and forget about qualities he doesn’t have. A child who is loved and respected as he is grows up to be a person who is confident in his abilities and loves life. ”

It would seem quite obvious thesis. But at the same time, few parents remember him, giving the child to all sorts of developmental schools, demanding results and imposing their own ideas about education and lifestyle. This is a real vanity fair for adults and a test for children. But Spock, who himself received a brilliant education and won the Olympiad in rowing, at one time wanted to say something else: look at the true needs and abilities of your child and help him in this direction. All children, growing up, will not be able to become diplomats with a brilliant career or scientists discovering the new laws of physics, but it is quite possible for them to become self-confident and harmonious.

“If you prefer strict upbringing, be consistent in the sense of demanding good manners, unquestioning obedience and accuracy. But severity is harmful if parents are rude with their children and constantly dissatisfied with them. ”

Modern psychologists often speak about this: the main thing in upbringing is consistency, consistency and a personal example.

“When you have to make remarks about the child’s behavior, do not do them with strangers, so as not to embarrass the child.”

“Some people try to“ raise ”independence in a child by holding him alone for a long time in a room, even when he cries from fear. I think violent methods never bring good results. ”

“If parents are fully engaged only in their child, they become uninteresting for those around them and even for each other. They complain that they are enclosed in four walls because of a child, although they themselves are to blame for this. ”

“It is not surprising that at times the father will have mixed feelings towards his wife and child. But the husband must remind himself that his wife is much harder than him. ”

“The result of education depends not on the degree of severity or gentleness, but on your feelings for the child and on the life principles you instill in him.”

“A child is not born a liar. If he often lies, it means that something is putting too much pressure on him. The lie says that it is his very concern. ”

“It is necessary to educate not only children, but also their parents.”

“People become parents not because they want to be martyrs, but because they love children and see their flesh of their flesh. They also love children because, in childhood, their parents loved them too. ”

“Many men are convinced that childcare is not a male job. But what prevents being a gentle father and a real man at the same time? ”

“Pity is like a drug. Even if at first she does not give a man pleasure, having become accustomed to her, he cannot do without it. ”

“It’s better to play 15 for a minute with your child, and then say,” And now I read the newspaper, “than to spend the whole day in the zoo, cursing everything.

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