Dog cold: 10 dog breeds that get very cold in winter

Dog cold: 10 dog breeds that get very cold in winter

Winter is already on the doorstep – warm clothes for walking will not interfere with these dogs.

The dog became the first animal to be tamed by man. The times were harsh then, and so was the climate. And although the conditions of keeping “domestic wolves” have changed markedly since then, many still believe that their pet is able to adapt to any weather. Here are just dog handlers warn: such a delusion is fraught with serious consequences for the health of the pet. Not all dog breeds are able to withstand even a slight cold, not to mention Siberian frosts.

President of the Russian Cynological Federation

“Cold tolerance depends on several factors. The first is the size of the dog: small ones freeze faster. The second is the habitual living conditions of the pet. If, for example, a dog lives in a house or in an apartment, it sheds more often, getting rid of unnecessary undercoat. Accordingly, it will be cooler in winter, unlike a dog that is used to living outside in an open-air cage, especially in our Russian climate.

The third is the presence of wool, its quantity and structure. Hairless and short-haired dog breeds suffer the most from cold. For them, severe frosts are a real test. Some may freeze even in a cool apartment, not to mention walking in the pouring rain or freezing temperatures.

If you want to know in advance how your dog will tolerate the cold, look at the country of origin and the functional purpose of the selected breed. The breeds that were bred in regions with harsh climates and were used for hunting, grazing or guarding in all weather conditions are much more likely to adapt to the Siberian frost than breeds whose history began in South America or the warm Mediterranean countries. “

Dog breeds that are more likely to get cold in cold weather

Small decorative

Small, on thin trembling legs, these cute dogs seem to be forever frightened. However, a brave lion hides inside each such dog. And what is taken for a cowardly character is often a reaction to cool air. Representatives of such breeds begin to freeze even before the onset of real frosts. And all because of the small muscle mass, small size and weak or completely absent undercoat. During walks in the autumn-winter period, they will need warm clothes.

Chihuahua. The breed is recognized as the smallest in the world and one of the oldest. Most experts agree that her homeland is Chihuahua, a state in northern Mexico. There are two varieties – short-haired and long-haired, in both cases there is practically no undercoat.

Russian toy. The breed was bred by Soviet dog handlers after the breeding of the English Toy Terrier, which was popular before the revolution, was brought to naught in the country. As in the case of the Chihuahua, there is a smooth-haired and long-haired variety of this decorative breed. The former, according to the breed standard, should not have an undercoat.

Chinese Crested. Everyone is accustomed to the fact that this is a dog with a bald torso and long hair on its head, paws and the tip of its tail. For walks in the winter, these dogs need to be well dressed, and in the summer they should be lubricated with sunscreen. But there is another variety – a puff, or powder-puff, the body of which is completely covered with longish thick fur. And they are also very thermophilic.

Yorkshire Terrier. These funny little dogs have long conquered the world of celebrities. Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Paul Belmondo, Dima Bilan, Natasha Koroleva, Yulia Kovalchuk – you can endlessly list the stars who brought the Yorkshire in due time. But these rather energetic and daring dogs have no undercoat, and the coat flows like human hair. Therefore, they are afraid of cold weather and quickly overheat.

Short-haired greyhounds

The extra thin skin helps withstand long running loads at high temperatures. However, due to this feature, dogs of such breeds need to be insulated in winter. They love to bask in the sun, they do not tolerate the cold well and will not give up a sweater or overalls, not only in the cold, but also in a poorly heated apartment.

Azawakh. This African greyhound has been a companion to the nomads of Southern Sahara for centuries. Thin skin with a large number of blood vessels, short hair, almost absent on the belly, lack of excess fatty tissue – the dog is ideally adapted to the intense heat of the desert. But cold and high humidity are not for them. Therefore, for walks in the autumn-winter period, they will need special dog clothes. And they will thank you for the warm bedding on the couch in the house.

Greyhound. The British joke that the gray greyhound is lying on the couch 23 hours a day, eating 59 minutes a day and running for 1 minute. For their more than calm temperament and passion for long-term relaxation, these hunting dogs are even called “fast sloths”. Circular track stars are capable of speeds over 60 km / h! But at the same time, they prefer a short spurt to a long run. Thin wool, not reinforced by the undercoat, ideal for heat exchange during such physical exertion, does not warm in cold weather.

Italian greyhound. The smallest and most temperamental member of the greyhound group since the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, it is considered an ideal pet. Daily long walks and jogging are vital for them. And the temperature regime during long runs allows you to maintain thin skin. But in the cold season, the Italian greyhound feels uncomfortable and can catch a cold.

Short-legged dogs

Long walks in cold puddles in autumn and in snow in winter due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of these dogs are contraindicated. Even dachshunds, with all their excitement and mobility, get overcooled pretty quickly, so any short-legged dog should have waterproof overalls and warm winter suits in the wardrobe.

Pekingese. Owners of a chic “fur coat” have long been considered the privilege of exclusively the imperial family in China. They lived in a palace where they were cared for and cherished. Despite the thick coat, due to the short legs, dogs quickly get supercooled during a walk in frosty weather. However, they do not like the heat either.

Fee. They say that the progenitors of dachshunds were already in ancient Egypt. But the breed began to form much later in southern Germany. These nimble hunters are distinguished by their friendly character and endurance. That’s just because of the short legs, the belly of these dogs is as close to the ground as possible. And this is fraught with not just hypothermia, but even kidney or bladder diseases.

The smooth-haired dachshund is considered the most frozen – it will need a warm overalls for walking even at a temperature of minus 10 degrees. But the long-haired one can feel comfortable without additional insulation and in frosts up to 20 degrees below zero.

Bassethaund. The breed was perfected in the UK. Gambling and mobile, they are ideal hunters and adore long walks. Like all owners of short paws, in cold weather they need dog clothes, since short hair without a thick undercoat does not save from frost.

How to protect your pet from the cold

  • Monitor the condition of the dog while walking;

  • Provide her with a balanced diet;

  • Use special clothing for walking.

Earlier, a dog in overalls or any other clothes caused no less excitement than the appearance of an elephant on the streets of Moscow or St. Petersburg. Now the wardrobe of other four-legged could be envied by a fashionista in the capital. There are even dog fashion shows in Europe! However, for a walk in the harsh climatic realities of our country, it is better to make a choice not for a “haute couture dress”, but for solid and warm clothes that will save the pet not only from the cold, but also from dirt.

Winter coveralls… Keeps warm well, suitable for dogs of all breeds. Most of these overalls have a waterproof top layer and a rubberized insert on the bottom, which protects short-legged animals from getting wet.

Blanket or vest… For walks in cool weather, it is better to choose insulated fleece vests. They are easy to put on, take off and do not hinder the movement of the dog.

Raincoat… Ideal for walking in wet weather. There are lightweight options, warmed – for walking in early spring or late autumn. The main thing is that the fasteners are comfortable and do not unfasten every minute during a walk.

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