Diet for eyes, 7 days, -2 kg

Losing weight up to 2 kg in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 1000 Kcal.

The issue of maintaining eye health in our time has become especially relevant. Alas, vision problems are more common today. Computer monitors, TV screens and mobile phones, other modern gadgets do not work well on our eyes. It turns out that you can minimize ophthalmic pathologies and help your eyes see well as long as possible by properly adjusting your diet. Specialists have developed a diet for the eyes. Let’s find out what needs to be consumed so that vision does not cause us cause for concern.

Diet requirements for the eyes

The more you eat sweets, white flour products, and other harmful substances, the more vulnerable your organs of vision become. As the statistics say, if you are a woman with light eye color, your chances of maintaining your vision until old age are significantly reduced.

One of the most important substances for the eyes is the carotonoid lutein, which is not produced in the body on its own, but comes only with food. Lutein is able to significantly strengthen the retina and protect against ultraviolet radiation. A storehouse of this substance among food products are various fruits and berries (especially black currants, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, goji berries), leafy dark green vegetables.

Zinc is one of the very beneficial minerals for eye health. To get enough for the body, lean on peanuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, beef, cocoa, lentils, beans, chicken eggs. Oysters also contain abundant amounts of zinc.

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids can help minimize the risk of cataracts. The proven sources of these components are various nuts, seeds, fish (especially pollock, herring, Kamchatka salmon), flax oil.

Vitamin E is responsible for intraocular pressure. It is found in sufficient quantities in sunflower and olive oils, avocado, spinach, wheat germs, and almonds.

Eye capillaries, and indeed blood vessels throughout the body, strengthens vitamin C. It is also good because it helps in the absorption of vitamins A and E. It is best to look for vitamin C in bell peppers (especially red), oranges, kiwi, strawberries.

Mentioned vitamin A is responsible for night vision, corneal moisture, protecting our eyes from infections. Most of all it is found in chicken eggs, various types of cheese, cottage cheese, butter. There is a lot of vitamin A in orange-colored vegetables and fruits. The ideal source of this vitamin is carrots.

So, in order to help your eyes function as correctly as possible, you should consume at least one fruit or a handful of berries, two vegetables per day. Increases the assimilation of the lutein contained in them by gentle thermal processing of products. It is best to eat what you can raw. Cooking, baking, steaming (but not frying!) Products are allowed. Try to eat fish at least twice a week. Flaxseed oil is best used to season dishes, and it is also useful to add flaxseeds to dishes. If you want to cook something flour, it is recommended to use flour made from this plant. Do not forget to include in your diet unsweetened muesli, various cereals, empty yogurt.

It is very important for the health of the organs of vision to observe the drinking regime. Drink at least 5-6 glasses of clean water daily. But the number of drinks that have a dehydrating effect (strong black tea, coffee, soda) should be limited.

On a diet for the eyes, it is recommended to eat 4-5 times a day in moderate portions, and breaks between meals should be 3-4 hours. It is advisable to have dinner at least a couple of hours before a night’s rest.

As for the duration of the eye technique, if it does not make you uncomfortable, you can stick to it for any amount of time, even your whole life.

A tangible result, as a rule, makes itself felt in a month and a half after starting to follow the dietary rules. Thanks to the right diet, blood circulation in the eye area is noticeably improved. The eyes begin to get tired less, the puffiness around them disappears, less often the unpleasant sensation of dryness of the cornea makes itself felt. It is also worth noting that this diet clears up vision, reduces the risk of conjunctivitis and other eye diseases.

Also, taking a complex of multivitamins will help to minimize vision problems. Alas, it is almost impossible to provide the body with all the necessary components exclusively with the help of food. So taking the right pills will obviously not be superfluous.

In addition, experts recommend spending more time outdoors to allow your eyes to breathe. Scientific evidence has also shown that moderate exercise can reduce the risk of glaucoma. Here’s another reason for you to make friends with sports.

If you spend a lot of time in front of the monitor, be sure to take breaks and do not forget to just blink more often; this way you will avoid drying your eyes unnecessarily. Moisturize the cornea with special drops or gels. Of course, on the street, protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation, the ingress of harmful substances and foreign objects. But all this is a topic for another conversation. Today we are talking about nutrition.

Diet menu for eyes

Example of a weekly eye diet menu

Day 1

Breakfast: an omelet of two eggs with herbs, tomato, seaweed and sesame seeds.

Snack: two muesli berry bars.

Lunch: green lobio with meat; bowl of tomato puree soup.

Afternoon snack: fruit salad; 1-2 cheesecakes.

Dinner: salad with spinach and salmon fillet slices, dressed with natural yogurt.

Day 2

Breakfast: salad of melons, berries and nuts, drenched in empty yogurt.

Snack: A couple of spring rolls with peanut sauce.

Lunch: bowl of cabbage puree soup; baked eggplant.

Afternoon snack: hummus made from zucchini with a couple of flaxseed crisps (to make hummus, mix 2 small zucchini, half a glass of sesame paste, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 4 slices of dried tomatoes, juice of half a lemon, 2-3 tablespoons of butter in a blender from the fruit of the olive).

Dinner: two bell peppers stuffed with rice with boiled chicken eggs, corn and various greens.

Day 3

Breakfast: turkey fillet sandwich; egg and spinach salad, drenched in natural yogurt or low-fat kefir, seasoned with spices.

Snack: green smoothie.

Lunch: mashed potatoes with spinach, seasoned with a little butter or vegetable oil.

Afternoon snack: banana and walnut candy (mix two small bananas and a handful of chopped nuts in a blender, distribute them on a baking sheet in a thin layer and dry for 1,5 hours at 100-degree temperature).

Dinner: casserole of different types of cabbage (kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, broccoli), tomatoes and herbs with a small amount of vegetable oil, spices and spices.

Day 4

Breakfast: a portion of flaxseed porridge with pumpkin seeds and berries.

Snack: a glass of orange juice.

Lunch: boiled buckwheat in the company of zucchini and corn; bowl of vegetable soup with sun-dried tomatoes and chickpeas.

Afternoon snack: salad of apples, celery, cucumbers, grapes and a small amount of almonds.

Dinner: a couple of tablespoons of vinaigrette; chicken fillet baked with spices under natural yogurt.

Day 5

Breakfast: pumpkin baked with raisins, walnuts, natural honey.

Snack: avocado mousse.

Lunch: a couple of potatoes stewed with mushrooms; boiled chicken egg.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese in the company of wheat seedlings and sesame seeds; puree from a mix of fruits and berries.

Dinner: Savoy cabbage leaves stuffed with cheese sauce.

Day 6

Breakfast: strawberry, banana and milk smoothies.

Snack: mushroom salad with green beans and arugula.

Lunch: mushroom cream soup; broccoli baked with grated cheese and tomatoes.

Afternoon snack: a couple of slices of paneer; a flatbread made from wheat germ.

Dinner: mashed potatoes with cilantro; baked brussels sprouts; a couple of walnuts.

Day 7

Breakfast: oatmeal cooked in water with berries, raisins, a couple of almonds; a cup of cocoa.

Snack: carrot and pumpkin juice.

Lunch: a bowl of lentil soup; salad of vegetables and sprouted beans; some boiled rice.

Afternoon snack: two fried bananas with berries and nuts.

Dinner: pasta with salmon pieces and a little poppy seeds.

Eye Diet Contraindications

The diet has no contraindications for the eyes.

  • Naturally, you should not eat any foods if you have allergic reactions to them.
  • It is not necessary to adhere to the eye technique only if you are assigned a different diet.

Benefits of a diet for the eyes

  1. In addition to positive changes in terms of vision, you will surely notice advantages in the state of the whole body and well-being.
  2. By following the proposed menu, you can provide the body with all the necessary components, eat tasty and varied.
  3. The diet for the eyes does not provide for strict rules, there are only general recommendations regarding the choice of food. You can choose the dishes that you like and make a menu from them. In particular, the technique is easy to modernize for vegetarianism or other nutritional systems that many people adhere to.
  4. And if you reduce the calorie content of the diet, then you can simultaneously lose weight.
  5. You can also gain the missing body weight, if necessary, by increasing the energy intensity of the menu.

Disadvantages of a diet for the eyes

  • For a tangible effect, the norms of proper nutrition must be adhered to for a long time.
  • It will take time to change some of your eating habits, especially if they have been friends with you for a long time. But this cannot be considered a minus, rather the opposite.

Re-dieting for the eyes

Re-dieting or sticking to it all the time is up to you. Proper nutrition will definitely not harm you.

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