Diet ballerinas

Ballerinas Express Diet

Before moving on to the Express Diet, prepare your body for changes in the nutritional system with 2 effective fasting days.

  • Breakfast. A glass of tomato juice.
  • Dinner. A slice of black bread, 2 glasses of tomato juice.
  • Dinner. A glass of tomato juice.
  • Breakfast. A glass of kefir or warm milk.
  • Dinner. A slice of black bread, a glass of kefir.
  • No snacks.

Personal experience. Fasting days pass very easily, thanks to the thick consistency of kefir (I chose it on the second day) and tomato juice. I almost don’t feel like eating during the day. Ideally, don’t drink any other liquid.

Duration: 4-5 days


Ballerinas Express Diet Menu

  • Breakfast: ¼ a pack of low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, raisins, fresh berries or honey. A portion of porridge on the water. A slice of wholemeal brown bread with a slice of hard cheese.
  • Second breakfast: a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice (preferably orange or grapefruit), half an hour later – an apple with a glass of “live” low-fat yogurt without additives.
  • Lunch: buckwheat or rice with a piece of fish and fresh vegetable salad, an apple, a piece of dark chocolate.
  • Afternoon snack: soup with vegetable, fish or light meat broth, no bread.
  • Dinner: baked fish with stewed vegetables, fresh vegetable salad and herbs.

Personal experience. You can sit on the diet as long as you need to in order to achieve the desired indicators. I lost 3,5 kg in a week.

Maya Plisetskaya’s diet

It is believed that Maya Plisetskaya’s diet consists of 2 words: “Don’t eat!” (this was the answer of the ballerina herself to the question about her secret of a beautiful figure), however, the diet menu of the brightest ballet star was replicated in the media, which we can share, however, before deciding on it, we recommend contacting a specialist.

Duration: 15 days

Weight loss: 8-10 kg

Exclude from the menu: meat, eggs, dairy products, spices, tomatoes, potatoes, chocolate, coffee. Lentils, broccoli, oats, barley are welcome.

Maya Plisetskaya’s diet menu

  • Breakfast: oatmeal.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: rice, salad and fish (no fish if you are a vegetarian).

Do not forget to drink 1,5-2 liters of water per day. In between meals, you can eat vegetables or unsweetened fruits.


Ballerinas’ diet as a way of life

If you do not want a one-time effect, then you need to adjust your diet and follow it from now on and forever. For this you need:

  • reduce the portion you are accustomed to now by half;
  • there is always soup at lunchtime;
  • eat only one protein product at a time, not mixing with others: do not eat fish and meat at a time;
  • include only low-fat dairy products in the diet;
  • categorically refuse salt, replacing it with soy sauce and seasonings, soda water and (!) mayonnaise;
  • drink at least 1,5-2 liters of clean, still water a day;
  • drink water strictly 30 minutes before meals and after an hour after meals (drinking is not allowed during meals);
  • have dinner only with a light vegetable salad;
  • give up alcohol and smoking.

Personal experience. The author of this article used a similar nutrition system in a short period after the New Year holidays – for 2,5 weeks – and lost 7 kg (subject to daily gymnastics in the morning).

Ballerina’s opinion: The described ballerina’s diet menu is quite gentle. Personally, I do not eat oatmeal in the morning, even such porridge leaves a heaviness in the stomach, which is difficult to rehearse with. Cottage cheese is not allowed to us in the morning, nor is the second breakfast with afternoon tea. The most correct dinner is a light salad, without fish and other hearty things. A key factor in the diet is systematic, serious physical activity. But for people outside this profession, such a strict diet is not necessary, the main thing is to observe the principles of proper nutrition.

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