Dates vs Refined Sugar + Bonus Recipes

Perhaps, in this age of information, only the lazy is not aware of the harm of processed sugar. Including the fact that it is preferable to replace it with natural, whole sweets, the sugars and nutrients of which are easily absorbed by the body. Quality dates are an excellent source of healthy carbohydrates, vitamin B6, and minerals such as potassium, copper, manganese, and magnesium. Dates also have the advantage of being relatively readily available commercially compared to other natural sweets such as agave nectar, Jerusalem artichoke or carob. You can use any kind of dates, but a premium variety is preferable. So how do you make a sweet date a real alternative to refined sugar? 1. Blend dates with almonds or pecans in a blender to obtain 2. If you wish, add crushed dates. 3. To prepare, blend the dates with water in a blender. This syrup can be used in desserts. 4. Delicious combination:. 5. Try the pitted one – it will give you a burst of strength and energy after a tiring day 6. For an incomparable one, you will need to whisk together dates, vanilla, almond oil, a little Himalayan salt and maple syrup! 7. Dates look advantageous in. We offer a recipe based on dates and cashews: delicately sweet and very satisfying. 1 cup raw cashews 12-14 pitted dates 2 vanilla pods 1-2 tbsp. nut milk 3 tbsp. ice a pinch of salt Place the cashews in a bowl, cover with water. Soak for at least 4 hours or overnight. Drain the water. Soak the pitted dates for 1 hour in warm water. Cut the vanilla pods, take out the seeds. Place 1 cup of water or milk in a blender. Add cashews, dates, ice and a pinch of salt. Beat until smooth, 30 seconds. Taste it. Add vanilla. Strain the mass. Transfer to a container and refrigerate for 30 minutes – 1 hour. Serve. will dilute your usual breakfast menu! Let’s start the day with pleasure 🙂 For 1 serving: 12 tbsp. oatmeal 12 tbsp. milk or almond milk 1 tsp. lemon zest 3 large chopped dates 1 tbsp. chopped pistachios 1 pinch sea salt 1 tsp. honey At night, mix oatmeal, milk, lemon zest and dates. Cover, refrigerate. In the morning, sprinkle with pistachios, salt and add honey. Muesli is especially good for morning cocoa or coffee.

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