Coronavirus and babies: symptoms and risks for young children

Coronavirus and babies: symptoms and risks for young children

Coronavirus and babies: symptoms and risks for young children


The coronavirus mainly affects the elderly and patients weakened by already existing chronic diseases. However, there are risks of contamination by Covid-19 for young children, even if this population is not the most affected. It is for this reason that the schools remained open during the second lockdown. What are the symptoms and risks for babies and children? 

PIMS and Covid-19: what are the risks for children?

Update May 28, 2021 – According to Public Health France, from March 1, 2020 to May 23, 2021, 563 cases of pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndromes or PIMS have been reported. More than three quarters of cases, i.e. 79% of these children have positive serology for Sars-Cov-2. The median age of cases is 8 years old and 44% are girls.

In April 2020, Britain sounded the alert about an increase in cases of children in hospital with symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease, itself close to MIS-C (multisystemic inflammatory syndrome) or also called PIMS for pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndromes. Doctors at Necker Hospital in Paris, also declared an inflammation syndrome in 25 patients aged less than 15 years. Those children and presented inflammatory signs in the heart, lungs, or digestive system. Similar cases have also been reported in Italy and Belgium. In May 2020, Public Health France counted 125 cases of children presenting clinical signs similar to this rare disease. Among these children, 65 have tested positive for Covid-19. The others are suspected of having been infected. This explains a more than probable link between the PIMS and Covid-19 in children. The link is confirmed nowadays “the data collected confirm the existence of a rare multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children with frequent cardiac involvement, linked to the COVID-19 epidemic “. In addition, according to the UK’s National Health Service, the MIS-C has already affected more than a thousand children and young adults around the world since the end of April. There are nearly 551 in France.

Sadly, a 9-year-old boy from Marseille has died. He had received medical follow-up for 7 days in a hospital environment. This child suffered severe illness and cardiac arrest in his home. His serology was positive for Covid-19 and he was suffering from co-morbidity “neuro-developpementale“. In children, MIS-C would appear about 4 weeks after infection with the Sars-Cov-2 virus

The doctors wished to inform the health authorities, who transmitted the information to the population. It is important to continue to adopt the same behaviors and not to give in to anxiety. This remains a very low proportion of affected children. The children’s body is resisting rather well, thanks to appropriate monitoring and treatment. Their health improved quite quickly.

According to Inserm, those under 18 represent less than 10% of all cases of Covid-19 diagnosed. For children with multisystem inflammatory syndromes, which affect the whole body, the risk of associated death is less than 2%. Deaths are exceptional among children under 15 and represent 0,05% (among 5-17 year olds). In addition, children with chronic respiratory disease (severe asthma), congenital heart disease, neurological disease (epilepsy), or cancer are three times more likely to be admitted to intensive care in the event of Covid-19 them children and in good health. In addition, the children represent less than 1% of total hospitalizations and deaths with mention of Covid-19.

Can young children be infected with Covid-19?

Situation in the world

Few babies and young children report symptoms related to Covid-19. However, there is no such thing as zero risk: we must therefore remain cautious. Globally, less than 10% of people who have been infected with the new coronavirus are children or young adults under the age of 18. In China, the country in which the global epidemic began, more than 2 children have been infected with Covid-19. Baby deaths, positive for Covid-19, are exceptional worldwide.

Situation in Europe

Elsewhere, the situation is not without giving some concern to parents of young children. In Italy, nearly 600 cases of children have been described. They were hospitalized, but their condition did not deteriorate. Cases of children and adolescents under the age of 18 have been reported in Europe (Portugal, Great Britain, Belgium and France). According to the Public Health France report, dated August 17, 2020, less than 5% of cases of children infected with Covid-19 have been reported in the European Union. Children (under the age of 18) would be much less likely to develop a severe form of Covid-19. In them, the infection manifests itself very little, that is to say, it is almost asymptomatic. Moreover, children “Excrete the same amount of virus as adults and are therefore contaminants as adults are”

Cases of coronavirus in children in France

As of May 28, 2021, Public Health France informs us that the incidence rate among 0-14 year olds was down 14% in week 20 while the positivity rate increased by 9%. In addition, 70 children of this age group were hospitalized, including 10 in critical care. France deplores 6 child deaths, which represents less than 0,1% of total deaths.

In its report of April 30, the Ministry of Education reported contamination in 2 students, or 067% of total students. In addition, 0,04 school structures were closed as well as 19 classes. As a reminder, before May 1, only nursery and elementary schools had been open for a week.

The Scientific Council affirms, in an Opinion of October 26, that ” children aged 6 to 11 appear less susceptible, and less contagious, compared to adults. They have mild forms of the disease, with a proportion of asymptomatic forms around 70% ».

In a report from Public Health France, surveillance data for the disease in children shows that they are less affected: 94 children (0 to 14 years old) were hospitalized and 18 in intensive care. Since March 1, 3 child deaths have been recorded for Covid-19 in France. However, cases of children affected by Covid-19 remain exceptional and represent less than 1% of hospitalized patients and deaths and less than 5% of all reported cases in the European Union and the United Kingdom. Furthermore, ” children are much less likely to be hospitalized or to have a fatal outcome than adults ”. 

Childhood coronavirus screening test

Le salivary test deploys in educational institutions. From May 10 to 17:

  • 255 Covid-861 tests were offered;
  • 173 tests were performed;
  • 0,17% tests were positive.

The conditions for performing a PCR test in children are much the same as for adults. If there is no suspected Covid case in the entourage, the test is only indicated for children aged 6 or over, or with symptoms that persist for more than 3 days. On the other hand, in the event of suspicion in the entourage and if the child presents symptoms, it is advisable to carry out a screening test. Parents must make an appointment in the laboratory or possibly with the child’s pediatrician. While waiting for the results of the test, the child must stay at home and avoid contact while continuing to apply barrier gestures. If the test is positive, he must remain isolated for 7 days.

On November 28, 2021, the EasyCov saliva test was validated by the French National Authority for Health. It is suitable for children and which present symptoms of Covid-19. On the other hand, it is not sufficiently effective (92% against 99% required), in the case of an asymptomatic infection.

Since February, Jean-Michel Blanquer, the Minister of National Education, launched a massive screening campaign in schools. To carry it out, saliva tests are offered to students and require parental permission. On the other hand, the PCR testing is not recommended in children under 6 years old.

How to protect your child from the coronavirus?

What to do on a daily basis?

Even though children and babies are generally less affected by the coronavirus than adults or the elderly, it is important to follow the recommendations given to adults and to have them applied to children: 

  • Wash your hands very regularly with soap and water before and after touching your baby
  • Do not put the baby’s pacifier in the mouth, rinse it with clean water 
  • If parents are infected or have symptoms, wear a mask 
  • Lead by example by applying the right gestures to adopt and encourage children to do them: blow their nose in a disposable tissue, sneeze or cough into their elbow, wash their hands frequently with soapy water
  • Avoid shops and public places as much as possible and within the limits of authorized establishments

In France, children from the age of six must wear a Category I surgical or fabric mask at primary school. In middle and high schools, it is compulsory for all students. In Italy, a country severely affected by the coronavirus, children from 6 years old must also wear a mask. 

#Coronavirus #Covid19 | Connaître les gestes barrières pour se protéger



Government information 

Update May 4, 2021 – For the start of the school year on April 26 kindergarten or primary pupils and that of May 3 for those in middle and high schools, the class continue to farm as soon as a single case of Covid-19 or variant infection appears. The class then closes for 7 days. This measure concerns all school levels, from kindergarten to high school. Saliva tests will be reinforced at school and self-tests will be deployed in high schools.

The return to school took place in compliance with the rules of hygiene. A reinforced health protocol is applied to ensure the safe reception of teachers and students. This is drafted according to the recommendations issued by the High Council. It takes into account the adaptation of measures, more or less strict, in terms of reception or school catering, depending on the circulation of the virus. In addition, it is essential for children to be able to continue going to school, because the first confinement had negative effects on their educational level. 

A second confinement was imposed from October 30 for all French citizens. However, at Unlike the first confinement, nurseries, schools, colleges and high schools remain open, with a reinforced health protocol. Children are now required to wear a mask from the age of six in primary schools. Recess times are kept in small groups, to avoid mixing up the students. In addition, children can continue to eat in the school canteen, provided they keep a distance of 1 meter between each place. For parents, a permanent proof of school trip is available for their trips between home and the places where children are welcomed.

Regarding the start of the school year, the government is following the advice recommended by the health authorities in the fight against the coronavirus. Research has been carried out in schools. They claim that the school is not the main source of contamination. However, measures are taken in kindergartens, colleges and high schools, such as distancing (students each have their own desk), frequent hand washing or wearing a mask from the age of 6. For the little ones, the teachers wear masks and certain activities are prohibited. Despite this, the start of the school year gives rise to fears. And for good reason, schools have already been closed, because students or teachers have tested positive for Covid-19. 

According to the press release of the Minister of Health Olivier Véran, in connection with the Covid-19, children of nursing staff and people who continue to work can put their children in the crèche: “The establishments for the reception of young children attached to a health, social, medico-social establishment or to the State services responsible for the management of the epidemic remain open.” For other adults who must continue to work from their home, or those who are on short-time work and who have children under 16, they must remain confined. 

Unicef ​​recommendations

UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) recommends being honest with your child. Hiding the truth from him could be anxiety-provoking. You have to explain to him what the new coronavirus is, which can be done in several ways, playful or creative. Parents can involve their children by showing them the right actions and asking them to apply them. Doctors and psychiatrists give the same advice about coronavirus and children


Symptoms of Covid-19 in Babies and Young Children

What are the symptoms of Covid-19 in children?

In children, digestive disorders are more often found than in adults. Frostbite on the toes may appear, which is swelling and a red or even purplish color. Children with Covid-19 may have a single symptom. Most often, they are asymptomatic or have moderate forms of infection.

In October, symptoms of Covid-19 have been demonstrated in children by an English study. Most are asymptomatic. For others, fever, fatigue and headaches seem to be the clinical signs most common in children and. They may have a feverish cough, loss of appetite, rash, diarrhea, or be irritable.

Symptoms of Covid-19 in adults are the same for children and babies. Usually it starts with a cough, nasal congestion with or without fever. Diarrhea can appear, as well as headaches. The symptoms of the novel coronavirus are, at first, similar to those of a cold or seasonal flu. Parents should be vigilant about other illnesses that children can develop. Covid-19 is not the only infection that children can get.

What to do in case of symptoms?

If a baby or toddler shows symptoms of Covid-19, you must contact the doctor and not go to his office. The doctor may suggest a video call appointment to give his diagnosis. He will be able to tell if it is a contamination by the new coronavirus or not. It could just as easily be a seasonal virus. In any case, we must not panic. Monitoring of the child’s state of health is recommended, in particular by taking the temperature twice a day.

In the event of signs of seriousness, such as breathing difficulties associated with cyanosis, mottling or tachycardia, the doctor should be contacted as soon as possible, or even the Samu on 15.

Read also on the coronavirus

The PasseportSanté team is working to provide you with reliable and up-to-date information on the coronavirus. 

To find out more, find: 

  • Our disease sheet on the coronavirus 
  • Our daily updated news article relaying government recommendations
  • Our article on the evolution of the coronavirus in France
  • Our complete portal on Covid-19


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