All about urinary leakage during pregnancy

All about urinary leakage during pregnancy

All about urinary leakage during pregnancy
Do you limit outings with friends for fear of leaks? Rest assured, these inconveniences that poison life during pregnancy are not inevitable. We explain how to deal with it.

These urinary disorders which pregnant women would do well …

It is well known that being pregnant condemns you to run to the toilet more often than before … more or less quickly:

– 6 out of 10 pregnant women experience “pressing cravings” that are difficult to delay1.

– In 1 to 2 pregnant women in 10*, these “emergencies” result in a urinary leak.

– 3 to 4 pregnant women out of 10 have “stress” urinary incontinence, from the 2nd trimester. The leak occurs during a burst of laughter, playing sports, or lifting a heavy load … Any activity that increases the pressure inside the abdomen is at risk.

In question ? the baby weight which stretches the muscles, ligaments and nerves that help maintain the urinary system (especially the urethra). This explains why 35% of women who are pregnant for the first time complain of urinary leakage.3. However, these leaks are more frequent in women who are already mothers. The pregnancies and vaginal deliveries weaken the sphincter of the urethra, which sometimes struggles to ensure continence.

* The results of different studies on urinary incontinence vary. In addition, their level of proof is sometimes low.


Cutner A, Cardozo LD, Benness CJ. Assessment of urinary symptoms in early pregnancy. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1991; 98: 1283–6 C. Chaliha and S.L. Stanton « Urological problems in pregnancy » BJU International. Article first published online: 3 APR 2002 Chaliha C, Kalia V, Stanton SL, Monga A, Sultan AH. Antenatal prediction of postpartum urinary and fecal incontinence. Obstet Gynecol 1999; 94: 689±94

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