Color diet – weight loss up to 1 kilogram in 7 days

The average daily calorie content is 1429 Kcal.

The color diet got its name from the gradation of consumed foods according to their color. It is assumed that by dividing all foods by days of the week and consuming them with a longer time interval than in a separate diet, you can bring your weight back to normal.

Supporters of this diet guarantee a result of 2 kilograms for a month, in fact, without resorting to any restrictions, because the choice of foods for the diet by color is huge.

Menu for 1 day color diet

All products are white (high carbohydrate content – the amount of energy products must be limited): bananas, milk, cheese, rice, pasta, egg white, cabbage, potatoes, etc.

Menu on the second day of the color diet

All non-nutritive foods are red: tomatoes, berries (watermelon, cherries, red currants, etc.), red wine, red peppers, red fish.

Menu for 3 day color diet

Green foods: vegetable leaves (lettuce, herbs, cabbage), kiwi, cucumbers are extremely low-calorie foods.

Menu for the fourth day of the color diet

Orange foods: apricots, peaches, tomatoes, carrots, sea buckthorn, oranges, carrots – (high carbohydrate content in some fruits – the amount of energy products must be limited).

Menu for 5 day color diet

Purple foods: berries (plums, black currants, some grapes, etc.) and eggplants.

Menu for 6 day color diet

All foods are yellow: egg yolk, corn, honey, beer, yellow peppers, peaches, apricots, zucchini, etc.

Menu for 7 day color diet

You can not eat anything at all – you can only drink non-carbonated non-mineralized water.

First of all, the advantage is that there are no special restrictions on products – there are a lot of products by color and you can always choose something suitable for yourself (as opposed to the apple diet). Unlike other diets, the color diet is significantly more balanced in terms of the presence of a complex of vitamins and minerals – for example, compared to the chocolate diet.

This diet is long in duration and shows relatively low results (compared to the Japanese diet) – weight loss will be about 0,5 kilograms per week.

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