Atkins diet – weight loss up to 10 kilograms in 14 days

The average daily calorie content is 1694 Kcal.

This diet came to us from the west and at its core contains a restriction on the amount of carbohydrates. Unlike all other diets, without exception, the Atkins diet takes into account the individual characteristics of your body. In fact, the Atkins diet is a complex of the diet itself and the nutritional system (the diet itself is carried out once, and the nutritional system keeps your weight within the permitted range).

This diet is successfully followed by foreign and domestic celebrities and prominent political figures. The famous Kremlin diet uses the same principle. The ideologist of the diet, Dr. Atkins, mandatorily requires complete abstinence from any medication during the first two weeks of the diet – which will most likely require consultation with a doctor. Limiting carbohydrates in the diet will mean lowering blood sugar – which also requires consultation with a doctor.

Diet is contraindicated: during pregnancy – may adversely affect the child, during breastfeeding – the same reason, there is renal failure – fluctuations in sugar levels and a number of others.

The Atkins diet is a two-phase – in the first phase, which lasts 14 days, your body will receive the minimum required amount of carbohydrates – which will align the calorie balance due to the expenditure of internal resources from body fat – maximum weight loss. After 14 days, the restriction on the calorie content of products is removed, but the restriction on the amount of carbohydrates remains – this is the complexity of the diet – the maximum value is determined individually based on the characteristics of your body – constant weight control and correction of the carbohydrate balance almost throughout life.

During the first two weeks, the amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 20 grams per day. The average value of this parameter for most people is about 40 grams (exceeding will lead to obesity – which is the case for most overweight people – carbohydrates and fats consumed simultaneously are not absorbed in the same way – carbohydrates as an energy source are completely consumed to maintain today’s needs, and part of the fat is stored – if there was a surplus of them – our body is only able to store them – this is our physiology).

The 20 gram figure is easily achievable – it’s just 3 teaspoons of granulated sugar in your tea or bun – so no fast food or snacks. To prevent such situations, a list of products that are always allowed and in any quantity (conditionally) has been compiled – it is clear that your initiative is implied – no excesses – we eat only when there is a steady feeling of hunger – no chips for serials.

List of allowed foods on the Atkins diet menu:

  • any fish (both sea and river)
  • any bird (including game)
  • any seafood (quantity limit for oysters – but it is better to calculate the recipe in advance)
  • in any kind of eggs (you can also chicken and quail)
  • any hard cheese (for some varieties there is a limit on the quantity – calculate the recipe in advance)
  • all types of vegetables (which can be eaten raw)
  • any fresh mushrooms

Additional restriction – you cannot consume the daily intake of carbohydrates in combination with proteins (poultry, meat) and fats at one meal. It is necessary to maintain an interval of 2 hours. There is no such restriction on the combination of protein and fat.

List of prohibited products:

  • alcohol in any form
  • fats of artificial origin
  • sugar in any form (otherwise go beyond the daily allowance for other foods)
  • fruits (all have a high carbohydrate content – even an average lemon has almost 5 grams of them)
  • vegetables with a high starch content (potatoes, corn – calculate the recipe)
  • confectionery (all contain sugar)
  • baked goods (high in starch)

List of products with limited quantity

  • cabbage
  • squash
  • peas
  • tomatoes
  • onion
  • sour cream (low-calorie analogue of sour cream) and a number of other products.

You can drink both ordinary and mineral water, and tea, and coffee, and Coca-Cola Light – any drink without carbohydrates (for example, a glass of grape juice contains almost 30 grams of carbohydrates – and this is clearly too much of the daily requirement).

The second phase of the diet is even simpler – the body is already getting used to a number of restrictions, and the metabolism is reoriented towards the expenditure of internal fat reserves.

The permissible daily intake of carbohydrates is approaching about 40 grams (for each person individually). But now constant weight control is required – the decrease in body fat will continue (but somewhat slower). Once you reach your optimal weight, you can gradually add carbohydrate foods to the menu – until the weight begins to increase – this will be your individual carbohydrate level (the maximum for you). In the future, go to this level – you will begin to gain weight – and vice versa.

Of course, in the future, most likely you will allow some excesses for objective reasons – for example, a vacation trip accompanied by alcohol – it is clear that you will gain a little excess weight – reduce your carbohydrate intake to 20 grams per day – as in the first phase – until you bring your weight to normal.

On the one hand, the diet is extremely simple and easy to do – the restrictions are insignificant and easy to do. Foods allowed by the diet include foods that are completely prohibited in other diets (sour cream, eggs, cheese, meat and meat products). The Atkins diet is highly effective – following its recommendations, you will slowly but surely lose weight to normal. The undoubted advantage of the Atkins diet is the normalization of the diet and metabolism. This should also include the absence of restrictions on the number and time of meals.

The Atkins diet is not completely balanced (but in this regard it is many times superior to other diets) – it may be necessary to take additional vitamin-mineral complexes. The disadvantage of the Atkins diet is its duration – to control the balance of carbohydrates throughout your life. Of course, the need for preliminary calculation of recipes according to tables also negatively affects this diet.

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