Colds and flu – how not to infect your child with a disease? Simple ways
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Although mums are very careful not to get sick and infect their child with the disease, sometimes it fails. You should then take certain steps, including isolating yourself from the child or maintaining special hygiene. Breastfeeding can also help.

Breastfeeding, or how not to infect your baby with a disease

Paradoxical as it sounds, breastfeeding an infant reduces the risk of contracting the disease to the baby. However, this is the rule for the common cold. It turns out that the viruses responsible for them do not pass into breast milk, so they will not enter the baby’s body. At least this way. During feeding, in order not to infect your baby with a disease, you should have thoroughly washed hands and a mask on your face. Viruses and bacteria are easily transmitted by droplets.

What’s even more interesting, giving your baby breast milk will reduce the risk of contracting the disease to your baby. It is due to the antibodies contained in them that power and protect the baby’s body. During a cold, breast milk is enriched with it, which changes its composition. However, nothing bad happens with the consistency of the milk.

Check how to choose formula milk for a child

Is breastfeeding possible with medication? Depends which and for how long. This question should be asked to the doctor who will approach the matter individually, and then recommend the appropriate medications and how to use them.

How not to infect your child with a disease – isolation

If your baby is no longer an infant and does not require breastfeeding, then isolation is the best option. It is about staying in a different room or avoiding close contact with your baby, so as not to infect your baby with a disease.

For a while, it is worth stopping sleeping in one bed, hugging or kissing your baby.

In addition, if it is possible, it is worth taking the child to e.g. grandparents or living with them for a few days. You should also isolate yourself from other household members – your husband or grandparents. Their infection can lead to an avalanche of colds in the home.

How not to infect your child with a disease – good practices

The most important factor in reducing your child’s risk of getting sick is his or her immunity. That is why it is worth supporting it with a healthy diet and supplements. On Medonet Market, dietary supplements for immunity for children are available.

In order not to infect your child with the disease, you need to limit the possible routes of infection. Therefore, it is worth taking care of hygiene during contact with the child. What to do:

  1. wash your hands thoroughly before each contact with the child,
  2. Throw away used tissues and do not let them lie in every corner of the apartment,
  3. avoid coughing and sneezing into the air, and even more so on a toddler – in order not to infect your child with a disease, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue and throw it away immediately,
  4. empty the nose thoroughly before contact with the baby,
  5. ventilate the rooms where the sick mother is – viruses do not like fresh air,
  6. going outside with the child, it will harden the child’s body.

If you want to ensure good immunity of your child, buy DuoLife SunVital Kids. Dietary supplement, thanks to the content of vitamin B, vitamin E and vitamin K, comprehensively supports the immune system of children. In turn, in the case of a baby’s runny nose, reach for the selected nasal aspirator from the Medonet Market offer.

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