What preventive examinations should a young mother perform?
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Every woman should remember about preventive examinations. They allow abnormalities to be detected before symptoms are visible. Some tests are recommended for each woman, while others are individualized depending on additional risk factors.

Preventive examinations for a young mother – blood count

A complete blood count is one of the most frequently required tests that a young mother should have. It provides many important information about the types and numbers of cells in the blood:

  1. red blood cells (erythrocytes)
  2. white blood cells (leukocytes),
  3. platelets (thrombocytes).

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which is a protein that carries oxygen to all cells in the body. White blood cells protect the body against the invasion of foreign substances such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. They also control the immune process. On the other hand, platelets help blood to clot by closing holes in damaged blood vessels.

Why is it worth doing a morphology?

The morphology checks the general health of the young mother. It helps in diagnosing various diseases and ailments, such as anemia, infections, clotting problems, blood cancers and disorders of the immune system, to which not only young mothers are exposed.

  1. Find out more about your blood count

Preventive examinations for a young mother – fasting lipoprotein panel

A young mother should regularly check her total cholesterol, good HDL, bad LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. The test should be performed on an empty stomach.

Lifestyle modifications, including changes in diet and exercise, are effective in reducing high blood lipids. Young moms should try to cut down on unhealthy fats from red meat, fried foods, and full-fat dairy products. In the diet of a young mother, it is advisable to include more foods that lower cholesterol. These are mainly nuts, fish, oatmeal and vegetable oils. However, remember to eat them in moderation. Your doctor may also prescribe medication if he finds the test results worrying.

Preventive checkups for a young mother – oral glucose load test (sugar curve)

The glucose tolerance test shows how the body of a young mother moves sugar from the blood into tissues such as muscle and fat. The sugar curve test is often used to diagnose diabetes. A blood sample will be taken before the test is started.

Later, the young mother will be asked to drink a liquid containing a certain amount of glucose (usually 75 grams). You will then have a blood sample taken again two hours after drinking (sometimes 1 hour and 2 hours).

The test can be useful in diagnosing diabetes, insulin resistance, and reactive hypoglycemia in a young mother. It is also used in the diagnosis of gestational diabetes in pregnant women.

  1. Read more about the sugar curve

Preventive examinations for a young mother – general urinalysis

A general urine test is a simple laboratory test of a urine sample. Every young mother should do them in order to assess the state of her health, especially of the urinary system. A general urine test can help detect and identify diseases and infections of the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, and bladder) and liver, as well as diabetes.

General urine testing is used in many ways, including:

  1. as a routine examination in children and adults,
  2. when there are symptoms of certain urinary tract infections,
  3. when there is hematuria.

Preventive examinations for a young mother – thyroid tests

The thyroid gland is an important hormone. Located in front of the neck below the larynx. It is shaped like a butterfly. Thyroid hormones have different functions. They are responsible for the metabolism as well as the growth and maturation of the body. The pituitary gland produces TSH. It not only stimulates the production of thyroid hormones, but also influences the size of the gland.

In turn, these hormones inhibit the formation of TSH. Thyroid hormones are especially important for women, including young mothers, who may develop hormonal disorders.

Palpation of the thyroid gland

During the examination, the doctor touches the neck with his hands. An enlarged thyroid gland (also called goiter) may indicate iodine deficiency with normal gland function. However, it may indicate hypothyroidism or hyperfunction.

Palpable nodules often indicate thyroid dysfunction. However, both the goiter and the nodules do not have to affect the work of the gland. More research is needed.

Thyroid hormone tests

The thyroid gland constantly releases a certain amount of hormones into the blood. Therefore, you should check the levels of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). It is also worth monitoring the level of antibodies (anti-TPO and anti-TG). Thus, the cause of the thyroid dysfunction can be determined.

  1. Find out more about thyroid testing

Preventive examinations for a young mother – vitamin D level testing

Vitamin D is essential for bone strength and other vital bodily functions. Young mothers are exposed to vitamin D deficiency, especially in the fall and winter season, but regardless of the season, it is worth performing such a diagnostic test.

If vitamin D deficiency is found, a young mother should include more products containing this vitamin in her diet. The best sources are oily fish (such as salmon, tuna, mackerel).

Vitamin Dest is also produced endogenously when ultraviolet rays hit the skin and trigger the synthesis of this vitamin. In the group of people at risk of vitamin D deficiency there are, among others pregnant and lactating women.

Preventive examinations for a young mother – cytology

Pap smear checks for precancerous or cancerous cells. This is a quick procedure that involves taking a sample of cells from your cervix and testing them to see if they are normal.

This test should be performed once a year. It is very important and necessary even if there are no disturbing symptoms. You will have to wait a few weeks for the results. The sample of cells is checked in the laboratory.

  1. Read more on Pap smear

Preventive examinations for a young mother – gynecological examinations

A pelvic examination only takes a few minutes. It can be uncomfortable at times, but it shouldn’t be painful. If you are in pain, tell your doctor. Try to relax. Breathe slowly and deeply. Relax your abs, arms and leg muscles. The gynecologist usually informs about the moment of performing such an examination after delivery.

Preventive examinations for a young mother – breast examination

Breast examination is short and painless. It allows you to feel lumps, thickening or discharge. During the examination, the specialist will also check the appearance of the breasts. He may ask the patient to raise her hands above her head. Then she will ask her to lower her hands loosely at her sides or press them against her hips. This allows him to look for differences in size or shape between the breasts.

Prophylactically for health, a young mother should use the beneficial power of herbs. You can already buy Ecological tea for mothers with yarrow, almond tree, knotweed, jasmine, nettle, lemon balm, marigold and rose at Medonet Market.

  1. Also read: What should you know about breast screening?

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