Coconut Body Oil

When I was getting ready for the birth of a baby, one of my friends advised me to buy regular unrefined coke oil instead of special cosmetic oils for baby’s skin care. I did so, but my son didn’t need it. By the way, at that moment it seemed to me that the butter looked somehow unpleasant, like frozen fat, and I didn’t even bother to open the can.

After a while, I took this oil to my beauty and health secrets, accidentally reading about the wonderful coconut oil and decided to try it on my body. Since then, I have not used anything other than natural coconut oil for body skin care. Firstly, it is convenient and pleasant to use: it is gentle to the touch, smells delicious, absorbs quickly and does not stain clothes. And it really moisturizes the skin for a long time, and not for 15 minutes (due to the fact that it contains hyaluronic acid, which girls of my age love very much))).

Secondly, it is extremely beneficial not only for the skin, but also for the hair and for health in general – if consumed internally))). It is easily digested, does not contain cholesterol, it contains a huge amount of valuable oils and vitamins (C, A, E), as well as natural antioxidants. For all those with skin problems, I advise you to use coconut body oil.

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