What is useful for chicken broth?

What is useful for chicken broth? Most people believe that chicken broths are good for health. If many people are already beginning to have reasonable doubts about the usefulness of meat, then meat broths are still popular. This is somewhat strange, because in fact meat broths are even more harmful to the human body than the same meat.

So, what is the danger of meat broths? Let’s start with the fact that, being warm, chicken (as well as any other meat) broth is so quickly absorbed by the intestines that the liver, due to its throughput, does not have time to process the mass of meat extracts that have entered it from the broth. As a result, these meat extracts in the form of unsplit poisons, bypassing the liver, circulate throughout the body and do not have the best effect on internal organs. Figuratively, this can be represented as follows: the border fortress (liver) does not withstand the onslaught of the enemy, and for the enemy army, paths are opened to other cities than it, this army, of course, immediately tries to take advantage of. There is a widespread opinion that chicken bouillon promotes recovery from colds (and other diseases). However, this opinion is erroneous. Meat broth, despite the fact that it is well absorbed, it is a rather difficult product for the human body, especially for a convalescent person, since all the most harmful chemicals, such as creatine, creatinine and others, pass from meat into broth. It is much better in this case to use vegetable broths. It should also be taken into account that recently there have been cases when meat contains various chemicals (used to increase the weight of animals). These chemical compounds, dangerous to human health and especially children, turn into broth when meat is cooked. So, for example, there is data on how an antibiotic is digested tetracycline from a chicken carcass. After thirty minutes of cooking, it remained in the broiler muscles in the form of traces, and after another 30 minutes it completely passed into the broth. Comments are superfluous. The widespread use of antibiotics in poultry production contributes to the emergence of pathogenic strains that threaten the health of the consumer. Meanwhile, the scale of antibiotics used is constantly expanding, which increases the number of mutated viruses. “Encyclopedia of Delusions”

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