Circles under the eyes: what to do to get rid of

For your peace of mind, let’s say that almost everyone has them, even popular models and Hollywood actresses.

It seems that the girls have already come to terms with the fact that dark, unattractive circles under the eyes have become their eternal companions. But instead of masking them every morning with concealers of all colors of the rainbow (each shade is designed for different problems), we propose to figure out why they appear and whether this problem can be solved once and for all.

– The causes of bruising under the eyes can be divided into two groups: congenital blue under the eyes and acquired. Congenital includes those dark circles and bruises under the eyes that accompany a person from an early age. This may be due to the anatomical structure of the eye, when the eye socket is very deep. Such patients are said to have deep-set eyes. An additional feature in such patients is that their skin is thinned in the eye area and there is an increased fragility of blood vessels.

But more often than not, the blue under the eyes in people is of an acquired character. Some of the root causes are bad habits, smoking and alcohol. Nicotine and alcohols affect vascular elasticity. They become less malleable and prone to brittleness. From here, small hemorrhages appear in the skin, which stain the skin blue.

Also, bruising causes a lot of stress on the eyes, which can be a consequence of long-term work at the computer, unrestricted viewing of TV or computer games.

Frequent causes of bruising under the eyes are lack of sleep and disturbance of the circadian rhythm, which negatively affect the appearance. In this case, blood flow to the eye increases and swelling and swelling of the eyelids occurs. This contributes to the appearance of circles under the eyes.

Circles also appear with age, and there are several main reasons for this. Most often, women suffer from this, because during menopause, the production of sex hormones stops, the skin becomes thinner, since there is not enough estrogen. The fragility of small arterioles and blood vessels increases, and this, too, all leads to the appearance of circles under the eyes.

There is also another reason. With age, people often experience melanin deposition in the periorbital zone. And it also looks like dark circles under the eyes.

Various diseases of organs and systems, kidney diseases, heart diseases, lung diseases, blood vessels also lead to circles under the eyes.

A sharp weight loss can be distinguished in a separate category. There is very little fat in the paraorbital zone, and it serves as a surface that covers the vessels under the skin and has a protective function. With a sharp decrease in weight, the fat layer becomes thinner, and the fragility of blood vessels increases. Diet and malnutrition have the same effect.

Initially, you need to determine the root cause. If there is a disease, it must be eliminated. If the reason is non-observance of the working day, then you need to normalize the mode of life, establish good sleep, nutrition, eliminate bad habits, more walks in the fresh air, active sports.

If these are age-related changes, then devices that strengthen the vascular network, antioxidants and cosmetic procedures will come to our aid. The main thing that the procedure should give is skin tightening. Peels, lasers, and injection techniques will help to achieve this goal. An excellent effect is possessed by preparations with peptides containing hyaluronic acid, various meso-cocktails, which will have a drainage effect, and a vasoconstrictor, and a tonic. Fillers also do an excellent job with this task, they perfectly mask the blue.

If the blue under the eyes accompanies a person all his life, then the best thing here is to mask dark circles with preparations with hyaluronic acid or fillers.

To quickly get rid of dark circles, patches will help eliminate traces of fatigue and relieve puffiness.

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