Chicken diet, 7 days, -5 kg

Losing weight up to 5 kg in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 1250 Kcal.

As you might guess from the name of the diet, it is based on the consumption of chicken (preferably lean, extracted from the breast). It is known to be famous for its high protein content, is able to perfectly saturate the body, restore muscles and maintain metabolism at the level necessary for normal functioning of organs. It is chicken meat that is ideal for losing weight, since it is the least fatty and high-calorie among its counterparts.

Chicken diet requirements

This diet lasts 7 days. The essence of losing weight boils down to the fact that a person sitting on it in the body is saturated with protein and a lack of carbohydrates, due to which, in many respects, weight loss occurs. The body is forced to absorb its own energy fuel, that is, spend a lot of calories and lose weight at the same time.

It is important to note that the body first gets rid of excess fluid, causing the muscles to tighten. This is followed by depletion of protein from muscle tissue. It is synthesized into glucose. And only then the process of breaking down the fats themselves occurs, and you lose weight.

It is no secret that the consumption of chicken meat is very important in a proper balanced diet. A large amount of vitamins contained in it cannot be replenished by eating exclusively plant-based products. As noted above, it is advisable to consume chicken breast meat. Of course, it can get a little boring for the entire time of the diet. To prevent this from happening, sometimes you can allow yourself and other parts of the bird. But, for example, it is categorically not recommended to lean on the legs, no matter how much most of us love this part of the carcass. They have accumulated the maximum amount of fat and cholesterol, which, as you might guess, does not have a beneficial effect on the figure, and on health in general. You can also occasionally diversify your diet by consuming turkey or quail meat. Of course, in any case, it is worth removing the skin and removing excess fat from the meat that you cook. You don’t need them.

Chicken diet menu

Eating for a week, if you decide to lose weight in this way, you need to do the following. Below is the menu for the week, which can be shifted, depending on which day you started losing weight. Make whatever you want from the products and use at any time and in the combinations you want. But it is still more correct to follow the principles of fractional nutrition and eat in small portions, but often enough.

Monday: 0,5 kg of poultry fillet and 100-150 g of rice (preferably steamed or brown; it is more useful and rich in substances necessary for our body). A glass of any unsweetened juice.

Tuesday: 700 g chicken fillet and 500 g pineapple. In some people, pineapples provoke acidity. If this is your case, then it is better to repeat the diet of the first day, so as not to risk and cause health problems.

Wednesday Thursday Friday (the same food): 0,5 kg of chicken fillet, 150 g of cabbage, 2 carrots, 5 small apples.

Saturday: 700 g of boiled chicken meat, which can be accompanied by a small amount of lettuce.

Sunday: duplicate the previous day.

As for drinks, of course, you need to drink enough clean non-carbonated water, unsweetened tea. If you are on a holiday, you can afford a small amount of dry wine. But remember that alcohol can retain fluid. So don’t be surprised if you don’t see the plumb line the next day. Dont be upset. In any case, weight loss is surely going on, and you will see weight loss, just a little later. Salt and sugar, both in liquids and in food, are best avoided altogether (or at least significantly reduced in dose).

Contraindications to the chicken diet

In addition to serious health ailments or diseases that require special nutrition, the chicken diet has no contraindications. But still, in order to avoid problems, it is better to consult a doctor before starting a diet. Probably, sitting on it, drinking a vitamin complex will not hurt.

Advantages of the chicken diet

Diet based on chicken meat has many benefits. In particular, it is worth noting that it, as well as the broth based on this type of product, strengthens the body’s immune system and is beneficial for colds. Regular consumption of chicken reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, coronary heart disease and other serious ailments.

It is also important to note that chicken meat helps maintain the balance of nutrients in the body, does not contribute to its depletion. A decline in strength and a deterioration in the state of the body as a whole is observed in losing weight extremely rarely.

This diet brings very good results. So, for a week’s meals based on chicken meat, you can lose up to 4-6 kg of excess weight. Of course, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of your body and how many extra pounds were originally. Of course, if you are objectively slim, the result may be less noticeable, but you will certainly be able to embellish your figure and hide flaws with a diet.

It does not require overly stringent restrictions. And the arsenal of dishes made from such meat, in fact, is quite large. At the same time, chicken meat is not overseas, but an affordable and relatively inexpensive product that is easy to purchase.

A, B, E1, B2, C, PP – all these vitamins, as well as magnesium, iron, sodium, calcium are found in chicken meat in large quantities. They are an excellent foundation for the proper functioning of the digestive tract. Another interesting fact in favor of the consumption of chicken meat is that it is not inferior in terms of phosphorus content even to seafood and fish (which, as you know, are famous for its abundance).

Chicken fillet is great filling. Therefore, with an acute feeling of hunger, which many losing weight are so afraid of, you will not be able to face it. Many nutritionists even call this diet the most satisfying and relatively fast diet in the world.

Disadvantages of the chicken diet

Like almost all other diets, this one also has its drawbacks. These, in particular, can be attributed to the fact that after all, chicken meat is poor in fats that are important for the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, continuing the diet for more than the specified period is definitely not worth it. And if you feel a deterioration in the state of the body, it is better to stop earlier.

According to the reviews of doctors and nutritionists, it is impossible to call this diet both absolutely harmful and unconditionally useful. From time to time, if everything is in order with your health, you can use it to transform your figure, but you should not get carried away.

Also, the disadvantages of the chicken diet include the fact that not everyone likes unsalted chicken meat. To many, it seems tasteless or simply resembles grass.

Repeating the chicken diet

Doctors strongly advise against repeating this diet earlier than 14 days.

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