Elena Malysheva’s diet, 10 days, -5 kg

Losing weight up to 5 kg in 10 days.

The average daily calorie content is 1200 Kcal.

Surely you have repeatedly heard about the weight loss regimen from the popular TV presenter and nutritionist Elena Malysheva. Moreover, if you surf the Internet, you can find many diets supposedly developed by her. Often, scammers even offer to buy her miracle weight loss recommendations for money. We strongly advise against believing such enticements. Better familiarize yourself with the basic rules of the diet of Elena Malysheva, given in this material. Adhering to such a diet, having a considerable amount of excess weight, you can lose up to 5 kg in 10 days.

Diet requirements of Elena Malysheva

Being a person close to medicine, Malysheva does not recommend reducing the diet to a minimum, which barely allows you to survive. She also does not advise giving up food products, which are designed to supply the body with the elements and substances necessary for its normal functioning.

As the author of this diet rightly notes, hunger or a sharp reduction in the amount of food that enters the body can be justified only before surgery. In other cases, such behavior has every chance of leading you to fatty degeneration and the occurrence of serious problems with the liver and other vital organs.

Elena Malysheva recommends eating 5 times a day, supporting the justifiably popular fractional nutrition. But, of course, in this case, it is extremely important to monitor the amount of food you absorb. The amount of food should not be more than what will fit in one glass. This allows you not to overeat and gradually narrow your stomach. After all, we often eat a lot precisely for the reason that the stomach is distended. And this problem needs to be addressed.

In one standard glass, food is placed, the amount of which is equal to about 200 g. As the author of this weight loss system notes, it is this amount of products that is enough to feel full and comfortable for about 3 hours. In order for saturation to come faster (this is especially true at the beginning of the diet and for those who are not used to eating such relatively small portions), Elena Malysheva recommends having a snack with a small apple or drinking a glass of water 10-15 minutes before meals in order to fill the stomach more quickly and reduce the chances overeating.

Also, the author of the diet advises to remember three important rules that will help you lose weight without harm to your health. They will certainly come in handy for people who are on many other diets, and simply control their weight.

Firstly, any natural juices and fresh juices can be diluted in half with water. This simple manipulation will halve the amount of sugar in them. Also an interesting fact is that orange juices are the most high-calorie among their counterparts. Remember this.

Secondly, if you like mashed potatoes, try making broccoli or cauliflower instead of potatoes. Its beneficial properties are no less, and the calorie content is significantly reduced. And such a dish is much easier to digest.

And Elena Malysheva draws attention to the fact that many losing weight decide to give up sugar and replace it with sugar substitutes. The first and important against is that these products have contraindications and can provoke the occurrence of a number of serious diseases. Don’t mess with it.

You have probably noticed that sometimes weight loss does not move as rapidly as you would like. This can happen, according to Malysheva, in particular, for the reason that many complex chemical processes take place in our muscles during weight loss. Because of what, weight loss, as a result, may slow down. To prevent this from happening, the author of the system strongly recommends not neglecting physical activity and at least daily exercise. If you can’t go in for sports, Elena Malysheva advises at least to give up public transport and an elevator, walk more and move in general.

Elena Malysheva’s diet menu

Now we propose to consider a set of basic products that make up the author’s diet. So, if you decide to lose weight using the system developed by Elena Malysheva, you should make friends with products such as lean meat, poultry, seafood and fish, eggs, whole grains and unsweetened muesli, vegetables, herbs, fruits and low-fat dairy and dairy products as well as mushrooms.

We refuse fatty foods, salty foods, high-calorie sweets (which, in general, is inherent in almost all diets). If you feel that you are about to break loose, Malysheva advises not to rape the body, but to eat a couple of pieces of dark chocolate or just a little ice cream. To speed up the process of losing weight, the author of the system recommends sitting on carbohydrates for a day, on proteins for a day, alternating them with one another. If this method of losing weight is not comfortable for you, you can leave the days combined.

Malysheva’s diet menu options

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the menu options for two ways to lose weight according to the Malysheva diet.

So, if you stick to a regime that alternates protein and carbohydrate days, the menu should be something like this. First day: breakfast – one boiled egg (it is possible in the company of a small portion of salad); lunch – a piece of lean meat or fish; dinner is the same as lunch; snacks – small portions of the above foods.

On a carbohydrate day, consume a salad called Brush all the time. It consists of beets, carrots and cabbage. Sprinkle it with lemon juice for an interesting flavor. But don’t salt! Malysheva advises to give up salt consumption at the time of losing weight altogether.

If you decide not to divide the days into carbohydrate and protein, the nutritional options may be as follows.


  • 200 g of boiled buckwheat, boiled egg, a little grated carrot, 1 small apple;
  • porridge in the amount of 200 g ready-made, a glass of milk;
  • omelet with milk from two eggs (preferably removing one yolk), salad of apples and carrots.


  • semolina cottage cheese casserole;
  • a salad of beets and prunes, you can in the company of several rye breads;
  • large apple.


  • pilaf with vegetables and chicken;
  • boiled meat and cauliflower (you can also boil it);
  • vegetable soup, chicken fillet with boiled beans.


  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese and a little yogurt;
  • stewed cabbage with carrots;
  • a small apple and 30 g of walnuts.


  • fish fillets (stewed or boiled) and some beans;
  • low fat cottage cheese;
  • casserole made from cottage cheese, carrots and egg white.

It is desirable that dinner be no later than 18-19 pm (or at least 3 hours before bedtime). If you feel hungry before bed, drink a glass of low-fat kefir. As for the rest of the liquid, of course, you definitely need to drink water without gas, herbal tea without sugar is also recommended. But it is better to abstain from coffee. If you are afraid to go overboard with calories, at first count the number of units consumed. It is desirable that they do not exceed 1200 per day.

As you can see, the scope for imagination and variety is not small. And, you see, such a regime is more like not a strict diet, but a correct, balanced diet. The menu can be adjusted to your taste, keeping in mind the basic rules.

Contraindications to the diet of Elena Malysheva

Since this, in fact, is not a diet, but a correct, moderate diet, then it, as such, has no contraindications, if not to talk about the presence of any ailments that require special nutrition.

Advantages of the Malysheva diet

Among the advantages of this weight loss system, undoubtedly, the absence of an acute feeling of hunger can be noted. Fractional meals just won’t keep you hungry. The menu is quite varied. You don’t have to, roughly speaking, gnaw on carrots for 10 days. The food is balanced and healthy, especially when it comes to combined days. If you do not continue the diet for longer than the specified course, it is unlikely that the body is starving for nutrients.

Disadvantages of Elena Malysheva’s diet

As for the disadvantages of losing weight according to the method of Elena Malysheva, it can be noted that weight loss still does not happen at lightning speed, which is often the goal of dieters. But whether this is a minus is also a question.

Of course, like any other diet, it requires willpower, because after all, not all foods can be consumed.

Also, not everyone manages to adhere to the principle of fractional nutrition. For example, if a person works on a strict schedule, where there is one lunch and there is no way to go away. It will be problematic for him to have a snack.

Re-carrying out the Malysheva diet

It is possible to extend this diet, if you have not achieved the desired result, simply by slightly increasing the number of calories consumed and, perhaps, still introducing some relaxation. If you want to do the same course again, it is better to take a break for at least a month.

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