Cardio Core Circuit: intense home cardio workout with Kate Frederick

You have grown accustomed to the load from the program “speed up your metabolism” and look for something hotter? We offer you to try the super intensive home cardio workout from Kate Friedrich – Cardio Core Circuit.

About home cardio workout with Kate Friedrich

Cardio Core Circuit is one of training, which is aerobic course Kate Friedrich “STS Shock Cardio”. It deserves special attention because it is the perfect cardio training for weight loss. The class interval and is just at a furious pace. You’ll be doing crazy jumps and accelerate during a sprint, and then lower your heart rate by performing lower body exercises on the Mat.

The training lasts for 50 minutes, and during this time, you can burn about 500 calories. The lesson is divided into five intense segments. In each segment you will find three short cardio exercises performed in two rounds. Ie every segment involves 6 fat-burning exercises. After each aerobic segment, you will find an exercise on development of muscles of a press. At this intensity home cardio workout with Kate Friedrich can be compared only with the programs of Shaun T.

For Cardio Core Circuit, you do not need any additional equipment except for a gym Mat. This is also a great advantage of the training, usually to practice with Kate need a minimum of step and elastic band. However, in order to carry out this program the necessary preliminary preparation. In addition, Cardio Core Circuit is contraindicated in people with weak knee joints, heart problems and varicose veins.

But if you’re ready physically, then definitely try this software. This aerobic exercise will not only seriously raise the level of your endurance, but will help you to lose weight. You will improve the metabolism, strengthen the heart muscle and burn fat in problem areas of the body. Cardio workout by Keith Frederick is the output to a new level. But if you need more time to prepare for this intensive course, start with cardio workouts Jillian Michaels.

The pros and cons of cardio training with Kate Friedrich


1. Cardio Core Circuit includes all the advantages of high quality aerobic training. You will improve the metabolism, strengthen the heart, will work on problem areas and, of course, lose weight.

2. Program interval (the pace will then accelerate, on the contrary, reduced), which will speed up the process of weight reduction.

3. To run the program do not need additional equipment.

4. You will work the abdominal muscles from one side crunches, on the other hand — a great aerobic exercise. It is two important element in the work on a flat stomach.

5. If you’ve been doing home workouts, then you may want to dilute the program with Jillian Michaels and Shaun T. Kate Friedrich, you have a chance to try something new.

6. You will improve your endurance, will efficiently train the body and become stronger physically.


1. The program is very intense, so for beginners, it will not work. That is suitable for beginners? Read our FAQ.

2. Training is not recommended for people with weak knee joints, heart problems and varicose veins.

Cardio Core Circuit

Feedback on the program Cardio Core Circuit from Kate Frederick:

Cardio workout is better to combine with the power classes, which play an important role in the process of losing weight. So Cardio Core Circuit can be alternated, for example, Total Body Transformation, Bob Harper.

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