5 Soy-Free Foods That Have More Protein Than Beef

Дело не в граммах, Или о чем надо помнить при потреблении белка

It is very important to understand that the amount of protein in grams is not the most important thing when planning a diet. It is much more important to know what percentage of the total calorie content of the product is protein. For example, beef and animal products are high in calories and high in protein, but they are also rich in cholesterol-forming animal fats, which make up the majority of calories. Plant-based foods, on the other hand, contain fewer calories, but more of the variety of amino acids that our body uses to form complete protein, and the percentage of protein is higher for that number of calories.

The more varied your vegetarian diet, the more protein you need. An ounce of beef (1 ounce = 28 grams) has 7g of protein – that’s a total calorie content of 75kcal – let’s compare that to plant-based options that will benefit your health.

Here are 5 foods that have more protein than beef, while a higher protein content per calorie unit.

1. Spirulina

 This variety of blue-green algae contains 65% protein – a record amount among all known foods. With 1 teaspoon you will get as much as 4 g of protein. Spirulina is also an excellent source of iron – just 1 teaspoon contains 80% of the daily requirement. It can be added to smoothies to mask odor, and as a bonus, get a good serving of B vitamins, protein, iron, and other vital minerals. And spirulina, unlike animal products, promotes alkalization of the body and reduces the activity of inflammatory processes.

2. Spinach  

Spinach contains 51% protein (about 5 grams per cup for only 30 calories, just like spirulina). It is also a good source of iron, vitamin C, and unlike spirulina, spinach has a pleasant neutral flavor. Also beloved by all greens contains a lot of folic acid, an important vitamin for women, which is responsible for strength, brain function and reproductive health. An easy way to get 10 grams of highly digestible protein is to add a couple of cups of spinach to a smoothie, salad, dressing, or soup.

3.              Конопляные семечки

Hemp is one of the best and easiest to use products, with a rich amino acid composition. Only 2 tablespoons of seeds contain 10 g of protein and a lot of fiber – while most of the calories come from protein and omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have cholesterol-lowering functions. In contrast to animal products, hemp seeds alkalize the body, improve mood and increase energy due to the high content of magnesium. And just 1 tablespoon of seeds will provide you with 45% of your daily iron requirement. You can also use hemp protein, which is used in sports nutrition. It, like the seeds themselves, is added to smoothies, raw desserts, morning oatmeal, and even baked goods, mixed with regular flour.

4. Broccoli

На первый взгляд, это может показаться странным, но в брокколи белка действительно больше, чем в говядине: 4,5 грамма на 30 ккал. Брокколи также богата аминокислотами, клетчаткой, витамином В6, повышающим настроение, а еще брокколи считают лидером среди овощей по антиоксидантным свойствам. 

5. Almonds, almond and other nut butters

Almonds and almond butter contain 7 grams of protein per 30 kcal (2 tablespoons). At the same time, nuts are rich in healthy fats and vitamin E, calcium and magnesium. And despite the relatively high calorie content, nut butters are even recommended by the US Department of Agriculture as an indispensable source of vegetable protein. 

Combine all these foods in delicious smoothies and salads for a high-protein meal that will fill your body with nutrients. In conclusion, here is a recipe for one of the possible vegan protein smoothies.

Smoothie “Pure Protein”

Servings: 1-2


1 cup spinach

4 small frozen broccoli florets

½ cup frozen mixed berries or blueberries

1 tbsp cocoa powder (also, by the way, a good source of protein and iron)

2-3 tbsp cannabis seeds

1 tbsp raw almond paste

1 cup “non-dairy” milk such as almond milk or water

5 ice cubes

Sweetener of your choice: stevia, ½ banana, dates, figs, or maple syrup

Add all ingredients to a blender, blend and enjoy!

Oh, and don’t forget about protein sources like pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, poppy seeds, goji berries, oatmeal and quinoa. Believe me, plant foods are absolutely complete and can provide you with all the necessary substances if your daily diet is varied and the portions are sufficient.

What’s your favorite source of protein?


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