Calculate your heart rate for weight loss training

Everyone knows that sport is our friend and helper in gaining a beautiful figure, in building muscles, in improving physical condition and physique. But not everyone knows that we train differently for different beats.


Heart rate zones in cardio training

There are four main heart rate zones: the recovery zone (aka the active rest zone), the fat burning zone, the target heart rate zone (aka the aerobic zone), and the anaerobic threshold zone (the zone of maximum effort).

The lower the heart rate, the lower the training intensity. Low and medium intensity cardio in the recovery and fat burning zone is characterized by constant intensity and long duration of the work performed – brisk walking, exercise on a stationary bike and on an elliptical trainer (calorizer). Aerobic training in the target heart rate zone can also be done with cardiovascular equipment.

During an aerobic exercise, you not only burn calories, but also exercise your heart. Sometimes aerobic cardio training requires special skills, such as step aerobics, dancing, skating, skiing.

Training in the anaerobic threshold zone is suitable for well-trained people. You can increase the intensity to this level during high-intensity interval training, where short periods of maximum and recovery loads alternate.


Heart rate calculation example

Consider the calculation of the heart rate for the fat burning zone (FBL):

220 – age = A

Lower limit: B = A x 0,65


Upper limit: C = A x 0,85

For example:

You are 30 years old. Then:


220 – 30 = 190

Lower bound: 190 x 0,65 = 124

Upper bound: 190 x 0,85 = 162


In this case, SHS: is in the intervals between 124-162 beats per minute.

For beginners, very fat people and people with heart problems, the following is important. To get rid of extra calories and not harm your body, you need to monitor your heart rate (calorizator). The pulse should not go beyond the fat burning zone (FBL). For example, for a thirty-year-old woman, the working heart rate interval during training for fat burning should be in the range of 124-162 beats per minute.


Most cardiovascular equipment allows you to track your heart rate. You just need to put your hands on the metal handles to see the number of beats per minute on the display of the simulator.

Subjective methods of assessing the intensity of cardio

If there is neither a simulator nor a heart rate monitor – you train at home or on the street, you can navigate by sensations. The pace of movement should be such that you can pronounce a phrase of 5-6 words, that is, the load should be moderate or moderately light.

You can determine the intensity of the load using the following data:

  • Very light – You keep the conversation going without problems
  • Light – You speak with minimal effort
  • Slightly above light – You have a little tension in the conversation
  • Above easy – It becomes more difficult for you to speak
  • Moderate – It takes effort to keep the conversation going
  • Moderately high – It is already more difficult for you to pronounce words
  • Very high – You have a hard time talking
  • Intensive – You are unable to talk

There is also an easy way to find out your heart rate – count 10 seconds, count your heart rate and multiply by 6. So you will find out the number of heart beats per minute.

Each type of workout has its own benefits. Heart rate is a great way to control your intensity and your condition. However, it is important to keep in mind that for training in the target heart rate zone and for HIIT, it is necessary to set aside 5-10 minutes for low-intensity warm-up and cool-down in the fat burning and recovery zone.

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