Bronchitis – symptoms, causes, treatment. What kind of illness is that?

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Bronchitis, or bronchitis, is a disease associated with respiratory failure caused by airway obstruction. Bronchitis can take the form of acute or chronic inflammation.

Bronchitis – symptoms of the disease

Both the case spicyAnd chronic bronchitisusually appear as follows symptoms:

  1. cough,
  2. production of a discharge that may be colorless, white, yellowish or green sputum,
  3. tiredness,
  4. shallow breathing
  5. mild fever and chills,
  6. a heavy feeling on your chest.

In the case of acute bronchitis they may also appear symptoms such as colds, headaches and body aches. After a week, a nagging cough may appear, lasting for several weeks. Chronic bronchitis characterized by a wet cough lasting at least 3 months and recurring attacks for two consecutive years. By chronic bronchitis, the sick person may experience deterioration of their condition in specific periods (e.g. the weather or being in a given place).

Bronchitis – causes and risk factors

Ostry bronchitis It is usually caused by viruses responsible for colds and fever. Chronic bronchitis it is most often caused by smoking, poor air condition and the workplace where the worker is exposed to inhalation of harmful substances.

Do morbidity risk factors for both types bronchitis includes:

  1. smoking cigarettes and passive smoking,
  2. low immunity, caused by another acute disease,
  3. working conditions that may cause inhalation of irritating gases (toxic fumes or chemical vapors),
  4. gastric reflux – the attacking reflux can irritate our throat, making it susceptible to bronchitis.

Bronchite – diagnosis and treatment

In the early stages bronchitis it is very difficult to distinguish it from a cold – a low fever and a wet cough are, among others, symptoms of both diseases. Only development bronchitis it usually allows for its diagnosis. Efficient research it turns out usually auscultation of the lungs with a stethoscope. With ambiguous diagnosis your doctor may recommend X-ray tests that may show lung deposits. Laboratory tests of the sputum we have coughed up allow us to examine whether the disease can be cured with antibiotics (bronchitis is a disease most often caused by viruses). In some cases, the doctor may also recommend a spirometer test, which will check the efficiency of our lungs and thus rule out the possibility of asthma or emphysema.

Bronchite – treatment

Acute bronchitis treatment and chronic is usually done via symptomatic treatment. The doctor prescribes medications for cough and fever. If bronchitis is caused by other medical conditions (asthma, allergy or emphysema), inhalation drugs and pharmaceuticals are assigned to reduce pneumonia and increase airflow through the bronchi.

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