Groin pain – causes. When is pain in the left and right groin?

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The groin is located between the pubic area and the anteromedial part of the thigh. There are many important organs in the groin area – internal organs, muscles and ligaments, nerves and lymph nodes. Groin pain may indicate several serious medical conditions, so it shouldn’t be taken lightly. In order to diagnose the causes of pain in the groin area, it is helpful to establish its nature and identify additional accompanying ailments. You should pay attention to the nature of the pain, the circumstances of its origin and the direction in which it radiates.

Pain in the left groin

The pain in the left groin most often comes directly from the area in question. Sometimes the source of pain in the groin can be, for example, in the abdomen. Kidney stones are a condition that can cause severe pain in the groin area. During acute renal colic, the pain also includes the spine in the lumbar region and the lower abdomen. Sometimes ailments appear in the reproductive organs of both men and women. In the case of renal colic, the development and intensity of pain is so great that patients usually consult a doctor quickly. Other causes that can cause severe pain in the left groin in men are varicocele, trauma to the scrotum, inflammation of the testicles or epididymis. The cause of pain in women can be inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Pain in the right groin

Pain in the right groin may be caused by acute inflammation in the large intestine from the caecum to the ascending intestine. Acute appendicitis with a perianal abscess also causes discomfort in the area of ​​the right groin. In this case, the patient often reports problems with passing stool and gas, and the medical examination shows the hardness of the skin over the groin. With acute appendicitis, fever may also occur. The cause of pain in the right groin in women may be a twist or rupture of an ovarian cyst. Rupture of the fallopian tube in ectopic pregnancy is less common, which usually causes severe pain and bleeding.

In obese and elderly people, the groin is often a place of reduced resistance and when lifting heavy objects it can be a source of inguinal hernia.

Causes of pain in the groin in pregnancy

One of the reasons for this may be hormonal changes during pregnancy. Increased secretion of hormones, incl. progesterone, prepares the woman’s body for childbirth, and creates the appropriate conditions for her child’s development. The pain in the groin may be affected by water retention in the body, sensitization of certain parts of the body, including the groin and hips area, relaxation of muscles and ligaments of the reproductive system. When pregnant, the uterus stretches to accommodate the growing baby. The changes progress quickly, especially at the turn of the second and third trimester, which may cause pain in the groin.

Weight gain is another possible cause of groin pain. The extra pounds during pregnancy and the increasing weight of the baby increase the pressure on the pelvic area and joints. As a result, there may be pain in the groin area. At the end of pregnancy, painful ailments in the groin area may appear, which are usually associated with the approaching date of delivery. This is because the baby begins to move lower to assume the appropriate position that will allow easier passage through the birth canal. Pregnancy is a time of special concern for the safety of the mother and baby, so especially sudden and intense pain in the groin area should be consulted with your doctor. You can now arrange a medical consultation with a gynecologist via the portal.

When should I see a doctor?

It should be remembered that, in fact, any disease that affects the lower abdomen and lower back can present as pain in the groin. If there are discomfort in this area that will not disappear, it is necessary to consult a specialist, because sometimes the causes causing pain in the groin can be really dangerous.

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