Bait for salapinka bream

How to cook Salapin porridge for bream fishing? In the conditions of modern fishing, effective recipes for the preparation of various baits and fillers are of great importance, since the fish herd has clearly thinned out, knocked out by electric fishing rods, poisoned by discharges and stagnant water from the Volga reservoirs, under-shale waters from motor ships and self-propelled barges, caught by an ever-increasing army of fishermen. And the fish became more capricious, as it was spoiled with more and more delicacies in the form of fragrant baits and baits, just as saturated with flavors. Therefore, the value of a really working bait is very large and significant for the bream, both with a feeder and with an ordinary float rod. And then we will talk about the bait that has been proven over the years – Salapin porridge.

Salapinka versatility

Bait for salapinka bream, compiled by the famous angler, blogger, feeder propagandist Dmitry Salapin, is an effective means of attracting fish (bream here) to the angler’s hooks. For quite a long time, Russian fishermen, especially feeder lovers, have been gratefully using the recipe for the famous Salapin porridge. Someone uses it as a bait itself, self-sufficient in itself, someone uses it as a filler, using any branded bait as a base, for example, Sensas.

Others, with no less efficiency, catch crucians somewhere on a village pond, scattering porridge in bulk and handfuls, aiming at the floats of fly rods. In a word, this porridge, despite the small amount of ingredients and ease of preparation, is a universal bait for both feeder gear and float fishing rods. And this can be fly tackle, Bolognese, long-range match equipment and the usual “glass” telescopic fishing rod with a wire reel. Salapinskaya porridge for a feeder for bream and its recipe is no different from the recipe for making bait for a float rod.

Salapinka as a bait

Salapinka for bream is most suitable for its nutritional value, since there are large-fraction components here, in fact, feeding the bream and saturating it, which means that they contribute to the habituation of the fish to come to the place chosen by the angler, if, of course, it is suitable for the bream as a parking and feeding place . Therefore, the recipe for salapinka for bream can be called ideal for making bait, that is, bait, which is thrown for a long time at the same time and place, accustoming the fish to come here exactly at the appointed hours.

Most often this time is in the morning. The use of porridge as a bait is also economically beneficial. It is hard to imagine what expenses would have to be incurred by throwing up buckets of expensive branded bait every day or by boat. And the bait is often the main success factor in effective bream fishing, especially trophy fish.

Salapinskaya porridge for fishing from a boat

Bait for bream Salapin Dmitry is ideal for catching bream from a boat on such bottom gear as “ringing” and the so-called “bank”. The large-fraction composition of the bait fits well into the feeders in the form of balls or in the form of a dense mass. It all depends on the strength of the current and the degree of leaching of bait from the feeders. On a strong jet, the porridge is even rammed into the feeder. And on a moderate current, for a good flow of water and washing out the bait, it is required to lay the bait in the form of balls. Salapinka naturally molds into tight balls and can still be relatively loose. It depends on the addition of water or its absence.

Salapinskaya porridge and its recipe for fishing for bream from a boat can be more balanced for use in shallow sections of the river with moderate or weak current. To do this, you can add more dry corn grits and even add dry semolina to the recipe. This will make the bait lighter and more active. What is it for? Bream, like any other fish, reacts positively to moving food objects. It is not for nothing that they catch him in the winter, using the smooth play of the mormyshka, and in the summer – “on the pull”, that is, pulling the load of the donkey or feeder closer to the boat and letting it go back downstream.

How to cook salapinka?

Salapinskaya porridge and the recipe for its preparation for fishing for bream is nothing special both in the purchase of ingredients and in the preparation of bait itself. These are inexpensive products and simple cooking technology.

For cooking, we need the following ingredients. It is better to determine them in parts, since the volume of bait can be prepared differently – for one day of fishing or for two or three days. Now about what you need to make porridge: pearl barley – 1 part, millet – 2 parts, corn grits – 2 parts, barley grits – 2 parts, vanillin or vanilla sugar – 1 sachet, unrefined oil – 1 tablespoon, water – 9 parts. A bag of vanillin can be considered as 1 part, and when more salapinka is prepared with a margin for a couple of days, this will need to be taken into account and the proportions of the ingredients should be observed.

Bait for salapinka bream

So the recipe for its preparation for bream. First, pour the indicated 9 parts of water into a pan, preferably aluminum. Porridge will not stick and burn, as happens in an enameled pan.

After about 15-20 minutes, the grains will become somewhat loose and glassy around the circumference, and the broth will give a haze. This is a signal that it is time to start millet. With signs of readiness of millet and the disappearance of water, close the saucepan for a while, turning off the fire.

Before this, you need to add a bag of vanillin and a spoonful of unrefined vegetable oil. In fifteen minutes we check our salapinka. There should be no water in the porridge, and its structure should undergo changes in the form of holes from the air outlet. After that, add dry cereals, mix everything thoroughly and leave the porridge to swell under the lid.

This Salapin porridge recipe is a classic. But there are some deviations from this scheme, with regard to the number of ingredients. Each angler makes his own adjustments to the bait, depending on the conditions of fishing. In some recipes, for about the same amount of cereals, there are 4,5 parts of water. And cereals are added to the recipe in slightly different quantities. There are such recipes. All this is the work of fishermen, and they, Russian fishermen, have always been distinguished by their creative imagination and inquisitive mind.

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