Baby at 7 months

Baby at 7 months: his progress in gross motor skills

Since a few weeks, your baby’s movements are intentional. They are no longer automatic as before. Your toddler, who moves a lot, often rolls from his stomach to his back. It also begins to to sit for a few moments, even without support. At this stage, some children also begin to get into a crawling position for crawling. In a few weeks, they will be roaming the whole house! Lying down, they always put their little feet in their mouths, and kept upright, children jump on the ground, for their greatest pleasure.


At 7 months, know that your baby can support the weight of his body on his legs, whether he is held on you or on a chair. While keeping an eye on him, let him evolve at his own pace: everything the child can do and likes to do is good for him. 

Baby at 7 months: his progress in fine motor skills

At 7 months, your little one can pass a toy from one hand to the other. Your child grabs and picks up toys that are within reach and examine them carefully. At this point he also tries to hold his spoon. He may also be able to drink from a two-handled mug, if handed to him.

Baby at 7 months: language and understanding

Little by little, your baby will enrich his babbling and begin to jibe. From 7 months, your child repeats the syllables: “papapa”, “tatata”… Always communicate as much with him, he loves it.

Tweets, babbling, first words… points of reference in our article “Language: how to talk to your baby?”


For several weeks, your little one recognizes his name. He is also attentive when you call him. He also begins to raise his arms for you to take him. And to get your attention, your baby will often cry out or make sounds, especially if you have visitors.

Sometimes when you tell her no, your baby continues to touch everything. It’s normal. Your little one, who is very curious, wishes explore your environment. He wants to test everything.

Your baby’s games at 7 months

Your baby enjoys interacting with you, such as jumping on your lap. He has fun dropping the objects you hand him. In reality, he learns little by little the principle of cause and effect. At this age, he really likes cuddly toys and little ones sound toys. For quiet moments, before bedtime, you can also tell him little stories.

Soft toys, dolls, play mats… What games to buy for your little one? 

Socializing your baby at 7 months

Your baby gets attached to his teddy bearor to another object that allows him to ensure the transition between the times when you are with him and those when he is alone. At this age, children often spend from laughter to tears. All of these emotions go hand in hand with the onset of a new fear in your little one. Indeed, in the coming weeks, your baby will be more and more worried about being separated from you.

Baby at 7 months: his health and his diet

Your baby’s health at 7 months

At 7 months old, your little one measures on average between 62 and 73 cm. The size of his head circumference is also growing. It measures between 40,5 and 46,5 cm, depending on the templates.

At this point, you may notice that your baby is salivating a lot. Although many associate salivating with teething, this process, which produces enzymes, actually cuts the molecules. This means that your child is ready to eat something other than milk.

However, if your baby is teething and is irritable, consider buying him a teething ring to calm his sore gums.

This month, if your baby is well cared for, there no consultation or vaccine planned. However, do not hesitate to take stock by consulting the vaccination schedule.

Also keep in mind that your baby’s second mandatory visit will be in two months, precisely between her eighth and tenth month.

Feeding your baby at 7 months

For about two months, your baby eat mash. Even if your child has teeth, remember to mix all their meals well. Your toddler doesn’t have the bite and chew reflex yet.

If you haven’t already done so, you can now integrate animal proteinsto his diet. Choose them as lean as possible: veal, chicken or cooked ham. Be careful, however, for the fish. This food, like nuts, is allergenic. So suggest one product at a time to your child. This will allow you to quickly see a possible allergy to a particular food.

On average, at this age, children eat 20% meat and 80% vegetables during their meal.

Your baby’s sleep at 7 months

Your baby has been sleeping through the night since she was three or four months old. At 7 months, he sleeps an average of 15 hours : 10 to 12 hours in a row at night and the rest in 3 naps during the day, each lasting about 70 minutes.

On the other hand, the temperature in your little one’s room should be around 18 ° C. It should not exceed 20 ° C. For monitor mercury and for more serenity, install a thermometer in his room. Attention: even in winter, ban quilts and blankets. Your baby could bundle up in it and suffocate. Put on her a bodysuit, a onesie and a warm sleeping bag.

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