Asian diet, 14 days, -8 kg

Losing weight up to 8 kg in 14 days.

The average daily calorie content is 1060 Kcal.

It has been noticed that there are much fewer fat people among Asians than among Europeans and Americans. At the same time, as scientists note, the inhabitants of Asia consume no less calories than the aborigines of other regions, but they draw them from healthy food and natural sources.

The developers of the special Asian diet recommend making the basis of the diet low-fat and high-complex carbohydrate foods. In general, this technique is not an intense fast weight loss diet. It can be called the ideology of nutrition, which forms a new way of life.

Asian diet requirements

The Asian diet has 6 basic rules.

1. Eat a variety of grains

According to the authors of the methodology, brown unpolished rice is the most balanced of all grain products. However, you shouldn’t just eat it. It is necessary to include in the menu and oatmeal, buckwheat, quinoa, black (wild) rice.

Rice can be eaten every day, even every meal. The groats should be steamed or boiled in water, do not use oil and salt. We use soy sauce and sesame seeds as a seasoning. Single serving of cooked rice – 80 ml. Before cooking, brown rice and wild rice should be soaked overnight, or at least a few hours, and then boiled in 1: 3 water for about 45 minutes. This cereal has a sweetish taste and delicate nutty aroma. In addition to interesting taste, this rice will definitely not create problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, unlike white rice.

2. Better to eat cooked vegetables than raw

The developers of the diet explain this recommendation by the fact that raw (especially cold) food requires an effort from the body to heat it. And this slows down the metabolic process, which can negatively affect weight loss. Boiled gifts of nature can reduce the load on the digestive system, and, on the contrary, increase the availability of useful biological substances contained in them. It is recommended that you eat a variety of vegetables at almost every meal. It is important that they are organically grown and preferably grown in your area. You also need to eat fruits, but in smaller quantities than vegetables, which have a low calorie content.

3. You can not completely exclude foods rich in animal fats

According to the Asian methodology, it is recommended to eat chicken or turkey meat once a week, and red meat (lamb or beef) once a month, while one serving should not exceed 100 g.

Be sure to include fish and seafood on the menu every day, preferably for lunch and dinner.

4. Drink green tea every day

Green tea, the main drink of Asians, helps to accelerate the burning of adipose tissue, improves the functioning of the nervous system, reduces fatigue, and increases bone density. Make it a rule to consume at least one to two cups of this drink daily, but do not add sugar or other sweeteners to it.

5. Avoid excessive consumption of dairy products

Animal fats in large quantities are contrary to the principles of this diet. In addition, according to Asians, milk is the reason for the appearance of harmful mucus in the body. Nonetheless, milk is a supplier of the easily digestible calcium that our bones need. Therefore, modern nutritionists advise 2 times a week to eat low-fat dairy products (kefir, yogurt, yogurt).

According to the developers of the Asian diet, milk casein can be replaced by products made from soybeans (tofu, soy milk and cottage cheese, sprouted beans). Tofu is recommended to be eaten daily due to its low calorie content, high protein content and amino acids important for the body. Indispensable foods in the Asian diet are soy milk and soy sauce.

6. Maintain a balanced diet

The authors of the Asian methodology argue that it is important not only to eat right, but also to be in harmony with yourself and the world around you. To achieve excellent shape and good health, you need to stay in a positive mood, strive to achieve balance in your life, be internally satisfied and not be annoyed over trifles.

Base your diet on the foods listed above. The menu must also include seaweed, which is traditionally an indispensable component of most Asian dishes. The beneficial properties of algae increase when consumed in the company of mushrooms, vegetables, apples.

The daily calorie intake on the diet should be 1200-1400 energy units. You need to eat fractionally 5 times a day, avoiding food pleasures shortly before going to bed. Portions of Asians are measured in bowls, on average, their volume is 80-100 ml. But you don’t need to cut your diet too much right away, listen to your body. If you have eaten large portions of food before, you should not drastically reduce their volumes.

So, when drawing up the menu, keep in mind that a portion is a bowl.

For breakfast, you can eat a portion of rice, a portion of miso soup or tofu, drink tea.

Snacks during breakfast-lunch and lunch-dinner periods include bananas, oranges, apples or other seasonal fruits, soy milk, or coconut milk. It is very good to add seaweed or sprouted soybeans to fruit salads.

For lunch and dinner, in addition to rice, eat a portion of stewed or fresh green vegetables, fish or seafood (up to 90 g).

You need to cook food without salt. Replace it with soy sauce, hot and spicy condiments (pepper, curry, garlic, ginger, etc.). Seasonings will warm the blood, whet the appetite and help better digestion.

In order not to pounce on sweets that are not recommended by the method, you can introduce various dried fruits, as well as natural honey, into the diet.

You can follow the rules of the Asian diet as long as you want until you reach the desired weight. If you are wise to formulate the diet and not overeat, the effect will most likely be evident. How many kilograms leave the body depends on your dietary and physical regimen and on the characteristics of the body. Once you reach your optimal weight, there is no need to fundamentally change your Asian diet. Moreover, it is better to adhere to its basic rules always. You just need to slightly increase the calorie content of the diet and the volume of servings, which will maintain the achieved weight at the same level.

During the Asian diet, it is recommended to exercise, and it is better to do it daily. But this does not mean that you need to work hard. Morning exercises or a light workout at other free time of the day will be enough. And it is very important to find time for rest and proper healthy sleep.

Asian diet menu

An example of an Asian diet

Breakfast: rice cooked with sweet fruits or with a little dried apricots; a glass of soy or coconut milk, or a cup of green tea.

Snack: apple.

Lunch: miso soup with tofu and seaweed; stewed mushrooms and shrimp, seasoned with a little soy sauce; green tea with lemon.

Afternoon snack: a glass of soy milk; banana.

Dinner: steamed fish; a couple of tablespoons of brown rice and boiled vegetables.

Contraindications to the Asian diet

  • The strict Asian diet should not be kept during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Children, adolescents and people of age are also shown a more varied diet.
  • In general, any person with any chronic disease should know the list of foods that should not be consumed or not recommended for him. Therefore, when drawing up the menu, think and take into account the state of your health.

The virtues of the Asian diet

  1. The basic principles of the Asian diet are supported by modern nutritionists.
  2. Such food is suitable, first of all, for lovers of Asian cuisine who cannot pass by a sushi bar or a counter with seaweed and seafood. The composition of the meals offered on the diet includes very tasty products, the benefits of which for our body cannot be overestimated.
  3. The Asian diet menu is balanced compared to other weight loss methods. The body will receive many of the components it needs from food.
  4. The process of losing weight occurs at a smooth pace, which is supported by most nutritionists and doctors. The diet ensures weight stability in the future.
  5. Thanks to fractional nutrition during the diet, there is no acute feeling of hunger and the metabolism is accelerated.
  6. This diet is the ideal choice for those with egg and milk allergies and those with vascular disease.
  7. All basic diet foods are very healthy. Brown rice is rich in B vitamins, iron, phosphorus and zinc. And by the content of vitamin B9 (folic acid), it is as much as 5 times higher than its white “brother”. B9 is responsible for our mood, it is often called so – “the vitamin of good mood”. The amino acids and complex carbohydrates present in rice provide the body with energy and help us to be more active.
  8. The systematic consumption of tofu regulates blood cholesterol levels and promotes the elimination of dioxin, which causes oncology. The use of soy milk is indicated for gastrointestinal ulcers, diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and for problems with the thyroid gland.
  9. Rich in macro- and microelements and algae. It has already been mentioned that the combination of seaweed with vegetables, mushrooms and apples enhances their beneficial properties at times.
  10. The inhabitants of the deep sea are excellent suppliers of iodine, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
  11. Following Asian nutritional guidelines will not only help you lose weight, but also have a positive effect on your health and well-being.

Disadvantages of the Asian diet

  • The Asian technique is not suitable for those who want to lose a lot of kilograms in a quick period.
  • Losing weight on it occurs at a slow pace, which can disappoint those who want to urgently say goodbye to annoying kilograms.


If you are feeling well, you can reapply the Asian diet at any time. Its main rules, taking into account your calorie intake to maintain a normal weight, can always be adhered to.

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