A sprain

A sprain

 Ice application – A demonstration

For information on the prevention and treatment of back sprains, or lumbar sprains, see our Low back pain sheet.

La ankle is the joint most vulnerable tosprain. A sprain is a stretch or tear of one or more ligaments of a joint. Ligaments are the bundles of bands of fibrous tissue, very resistant and not very extensible, which unite the bones to each other. They give stability to the joints (see diagram).

Other joints, like the knees, the elbows and wrists, can also undergo a ligament stretch. This type of sprain happens especially in athletes.

La pain,swelling and difficulty moving the joint are the main symptoms of a sprain.

In the majority of cases, the doctor can ask the diagnostic after questioning the patient and performing a physical examination. If the doctor suspects a fracture, he offers an X-ray radiography. More rarely, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test is undertaken to see the condition of the ligaments.

Degrees of severity (see diagram)

  • Slight sprain : stretching of the ligaments, often called foulure. At this point, the joint is still functional;
  • Moderate sprain : stretching of the ligaments accompanied by a partial tear;
  • Severe sprain : a complete rupture of the ligament (s). The tendon may also separate from the bone, taking a small piece of bone with it.


  • Flexion, extension or twisting of the joint beyond its normal amplitude. For example, spraining your ankle when walking on a rough surface;
  • Extreme stress on a joint. For example, a football or basketball player who suddenly changes direction;
  • A direct hit to a joint;
  • Previous sprains that left a weakened ligament.

Possible complications

In the long run, sprains repeatedly can cause osteoarthritis, a disease characterized by the breakdown of cartilage, the tissue that covers the ends of bones in all movable joints.

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