Facial neuralgia (trigeminal) – Complementary approaches

Facial neuralgia (trigeminal) – Complementary approaches


To relieve pain: acupuncture, capsaïcine, hypnothérapie


There are very few studies on the effectiveness of complementary approaches in the treatment of facial neuralgia. However, some people have found relief from the following treatments or products.

Facial neuralgia (trigeminal) – Complementary approaches: understand everything in 2 min

 Acupuncture. Acupuncture is recommended by some experts, including Dr Andrew Weil. It is suggested as a possible additional treatment by the Mayo Clinic and has long been used in the treatment of facial neuralgia. There are several studies1,2,3 concluding with the effectiveness of acupuncture to relieve the pain of trigeminal neuralgia, but they are of very variable qualities.

 Hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is recommended by some experts, including Dr Andrew Weil. It is suggested as a possible complementary treatment by the Mayo Clinic. There are a few clinical observations in which patients have been relieved by hypnotherapy4,5,6.

 Capsaicin. The application of a gel with capsaicin (active compound of chili pepper) is recommended by the naturopath Joseph Pizzorno. A study of 12 patients showed that the majority of patients obtained at least partial relief of their pain and that the relief lasted for several weeks.7.

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