A guide to freshly squeezed juice

When did juices become popular?

Evidence that our ancestors used fruit juices for medicinal purposes dates back to before 150 BC. e. – in the Dead Sea Scrolls (an ancient historical artifact) depicted people holding pomegranates and figs. However, it was not until the 1930s in the United States, after the invention of the Norwalk Triturator Hydraulic Press Juicer by Dr. Norman Walker, that juicing began to become popular. 

Along with the growing popularity of dietetics, the health benefits of juicing began to be proclaimed. Dr. Max Gerson developed a special “Cure for Disease” program, which used large amounts of freshly squeezed juices, fruits and vegetables to fill the body with nutrients. Originally intended to treat migraines, this therapy has been used to treat degenerative diseases such as skin tuberculosis, diabetes, and cancer.

Are juices really that good?

Opinions vary on this, as freshly squeezed juices can be a healthy addition to your diet, but can easily lead to an increase in sugar intake.

Commercially prepared fruit and vegetable juices are high in sugar and sweeteners, including fructose, a natural sugar found in fruits. So even if the drink contains little or no refined sugar, you can still increase your intake with fructose (some juices are equivalent to nine teaspoons of sugar).

Freshly squeezed juices usually retain a large amount of the vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables. Of course, juice does not retain 100% of the fibers of the original fruit, but juices are a great way to supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals, especially since some studies have shown that the nutrients in juices can be better absorbed by the body.

Juices are suitable for those who do not like fresh fruits and vegetables, and will also help people with digestive problems, since the body spends almost no energy to digest the juice. Some doctors claim that freshly squeezed juices boost the immune system by filling the body with biologically active, non-nutritive plant compounds called phytochemicals.

However, the intensive use of juices for detoxification of the body is currently not supported by either medical professionals or scientific research. A report published by Harvard Medical School states: “Your body is equipped with a natural detoxification system in the form of the kidneys and liver. A healthy liver and kidneys filter the blood, remove toxins and cleanse the body continuously. Your gut is also “detoxified” daily with fiber-rich whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and plenty of water.” So there is no need to go on a “detox diet”.

Best Juice Ingredients

Carrot. Contains beta-carotene, a nutrient that the body naturally converts to vitamin A, as well as high amounts of antioxidants and even some cancer-fighting carotenoids. Carrots are a naturally sweet vegetable and do not contain high amounts of fructose, unlike grapes and pears. 

Spinach. High in vitamin K, iron, folate, and other micronutrients, these greens can greatly increase the nutritional value of your juice. Spinach does not have a pronounced taste and is easy to mix with sweet fruits and vegetables.

Cucumber. With a water content of up to 95%, cucumber is not only an excellent base for juice, but also a healthy, hydrating vegetable. Cucumber is low in calories, contains vitamin C and fiber, as well as manganese and lignins, which help fight cardiovascular disease.

Ginger. A useful product that helps to bring out the natural sweetness of other vegetables and fruits. Ginger gives the drink a piquancy and also has anti-inflammatory properties.

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