14 reasons why you should become a vegetarian

Chances are you’ve heard a lot of the arguments that are made in favor of veganism and a plant-based diet. For different reasons, different people get motivated and start making changes in their lives.

If you’re on the path to a vegetarian diet, or just thinking about it, here are 14 answers to the “why” question that can help you make the right decision!

1. Reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes

Diseases so popular in our time are actually unnatural for humans. Moreover, blockage of the arteries begins at a very early age (about 10 years).

Even the largest health organizations admit that animal products, rich in saturated fats and cholesterol, are the cause of heart disease and diabetes. A plant-based diet can not only help our arteries, but even reverse type 2 diabetes.

2. Cure and eradicate other diseases

Health is our most valuable asset. Any opportunity to reduce the risk of any disease and help the body recover should be taken seriously. Vegans have been scientifically and clinically proven to reduce the risk of stroke, Alzheimer’s, cancer, high cholesterol-related diseases, and more.

A plant-based diet is often even more effective than medication and surgery. The World Health Organization has declared that processed meat is a carcinogen, and the book The China Study clearly shows the link between casein (milk protein) and cancer.

3. Get slim

Vegans are almost the only group of people with a normal body mass index (BMI). Eating a lot of animal products contributes to an increase in BMI. Yes, such food does not contain carbohydrates, but contains fats. Fat has more calories and is much easier to store in the body than calories from carbohydrates. In addition, the general density of animal products causes a person to overeat when they can load their plates with vegetables while remaining lean. Also, growth-stimulating hormones are found in animal products, which are not useful for us at all.

4. Show kindness and compassion to sentient beings

For some people, the ethical arguments in favor of veganism are not so strong, but you will agree that kindness is never superfluous or inappropriate. Saving the life of someone innocent is always the right thing to do. Unfortunately, there are massive campaigns around the world by the meat and dairy industries that use images of happy animals on packages, while the reality is much more cruel. What can be humane in animal husbandry?

5. Limited resources and starvation

People around the world are forced to suffer because of the huge demand for animal products. Why? Today we have enough food to feed 10 billion people, for a total of 7 billion in the world. But it turns out that 50% of the world’s crops are eaten by industrial animals… With 82% of children living near livestock going hungry because the meat produced in these areas is sent to 1st world countries so that people can eat it. buy.

Think about it: about 70% of the grain grown in the US alone goes to livestock – enough to feed 800 million people. And that’s not to mention the water, which is used in large quantities for the production of animal products.

6. Animal products are “dirty”

Every time a person sits down at a table that contains meat, eggs or milk, they also eat bacteria, antibiotics, hormones, dioxins and a host of other toxins that can cause health problems.

This can lead to food poisoning, more than 75 million cases of which are reported annually. 5 of them end in death. The USDA reports that 000% of cases are caused by contaminated animal meat. The abuse of pharmaceuticals on factory farms has spurred the development of new strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Also widely used is the antibiotic roxarsone, which contains significant amounts of the most carcinogenic form of arsenic.

Hormones naturally found in animal products can cause cancer, gynecomastia (breast enlargement in men), and obesity. Even the label “organic” plays little role.

7. Humans don’t need animal products

The killing is unnecessary and cruel. We do it for pleasure and tradition. There is no evidence that people need to eat meat, dairy and eggs to be healthy and prosperous. Quite the opposite. This is an instinct that only true meat-eaters, such as lions or bears, have. But biologically there is no other food for them, while we humans do.

Let’s not forget that we are not calves that need their mother’s milk, and we do not need to consume any other secretion than our own mother’s milk (and then only in the first years of life). It goes without saying that animals do not want to die, they love and appreciate life. And we, unfortunately, consider them as “farm animals”, a faceless herd, without thinking that they are, in fact, the same as our cats and dogs. When we understand this connection and take the appropriate steps, we can finally align our actions with morality.

8. Save the environment and stop climate change

About 18-51% (depending on the region) of technogenic pollution comes from the meat industry, which leads to the rapid development of agricultural production, contributing to the greenhouse effect.

1 pound of meat equals 75 kg of CO2 emissions, which is the equivalent of using a car for 3 weeks (average CO2 emissions of 3 kg per day). Wild animals suffer from the consequences. Mass extinction of species affects 86% of all mammals, 88% of amphibians and 86% of birds. Many of them face an extremely high risk of extinction in the near future. It is possible that by 2048 we will see empty oceans.

9. Try new tasty dishes 

Have you ever tasted “Buddha bowl”? How about quinoa salad or burgers with black bean patty? There are more than 20 species of edible plants in the world, of which about 000 are domesticated and processed. You probably haven’t even tried half of them! New recipes expand the horizon, bringing pleasure to the taste buds and the body. And there is a high probability of finding dishes that you would not even have thought of before.

Baking without eggs? Banana, flax seeds and chia are great substitutes. Cheese without milk? From tofu and various nuts, you can make an alternative that is no worse than the original. One has only to start looking, and this process will definitely tighten you!

10. Get fit

Most people are afraid of losing muscle mass when they give up animal products. However, meat and dairy products are hard to digest, taking most of the energy and making a person tired and sleepy. A vegan diet will in no way prevent you from reaching your fitness goals and can give you a boost of energy and strength. Look at the world’s athletes! Famous boxer Mike Tyson, tennis player Sirena Williams, track and field athlete Carl Lewis – these people have achieved significant heights in sports without eating food of animal origin.

You don’t have to watch your protein intake as many people think. All plant products contain it, and this protein is also very high quality. 40-50 grams per day can easily be gained from green vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Rice contains 8% protein, corn 11%, oatmeal 15%, and legumes 27%.

In addition, it is easier to gain muscle mass with a plant-based diet, since plant-based protein contains much less fat than animal products.

11. Improve skin and digestion

These two issues are indeed interrelated. For most people with acne-prone skin, milk is their worst enemy. Unfortunately, many doctors prescribe medications and aggressive treatments to improve skin condition when the problem lies in the food we consume. It has been proven time and again that avoiding fatty foods reduces acne.

Water-rich fruits and vegetables can give your skin a boost of health and radiance thanks to their high levels of vitamins and minerals. Coarse fiber helps improve digestion, remove toxins. Agree, the problem with digestion is one of the most unpleasant sensations. So why not get rid of it?

12. Improve your mood

When a person cooks meat, he automatically absorbs the stress hormones that the animal produced on the way to slaughter, until the very last second of his life. This alone can have a significant effect on mood. But that’s not all.

We know that people who follow a plant-based diet tend to have a more stable mood—less stress, anxiety, depression, anger, hostility, and fatigue. This is due to the higher antioxidant content in plant foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Combined with a low-fat diet, this can have a beneficial effect on psychological well-being. Healthy and carbohydrate-rich foods, including brown rice, oats, and rye bread, help regulate serotonin levels. Serotonin is very important for controlling our mood. A plant-based diet has been shown to help treat symptoms of anxiety and depression.

13. Save money

A vegetarian diet can be very economical. When you focus your diet on grains, legumes, legumes, nuts, seeds, seasonal fruits and vegetables, you can cut your monthly food intake in half. Many of these products can be bought in bulk and stored for a long time.

You spend less money if you plan your diet rather than grabbing a double cheeseburger on the run. You can think of (or find) a huge variety of budget options for plant-based food! Another positive is that you don’t have to spend a huge amount of money on doctors and medications, as a plant-based diet can prevent and even reverse chronic diseases.

14. Move away from the stereotype that vegetarianism is a complete ban

Many products in the supermarket are vegan. Everyone’s favorite Oreo cookies, nacho chips, many sauces and sweets. More and more plant-based milks, ice creams, soy meats and more are on the market every year! Non-dairy production is growing rapidly!

More and more restaurants are offering vegan and vegetarian menus, regardless of the format. There is no longer a problem with food in public places, but now another question arises: “And what to choose from this variety?”. But that’s a completely different story.

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