9 natural remedies to naturally reduce anxiety

Imagine your stress free life. You would lose a few pounds, have better relationships with those close to you, and you would have a more positive outlook on life. For centuries different cultures have used natural herbs and remedies to help combat the effects of stress, and now you can too!

Learn to naturally lower cortisol and anxiety levels is as easy as reading this article, and taking the steps you need to take to help get your life back on track.

Cortisol is a necessary component of LIFE. It is designed to help you wake up in the morning, and help you deal with dangers in a life-threatening emergency. When your cortisol levels reach a peak, muscles release a swarm of amino acids, the liver glucose, and fatty acids are supplied to us in the blood stream so that we have the energy to cope with such attacks. situations.

However, as of today, the stress response is triggered for all the wrong reasons (whether it’s drinking coffee, reading the newspaper, driving in traffic, etc.). When these situations trigger a cortisol jerk, our state of stress overtakes situations that are considered already stressful. As a result, our organs suffer, and we become the victim of something which we can, with patience, take control.

The Effects Of Stress On The Body Are Endless:

– It makes us age (contributes to tissue destruction, muscle loss, bone loss, immune system depression, brain shrinkage)

– It makes us gain weight (stimulates our cravings for sweet, caloric, dense foods)

– It promotes heart disease and diabetes (insulin resistance)

– It weakens the immune system (inhibits the production of white blood cells

– It promotes gastrointestinal tract problems (lowers the production of enzymes necessary for the digestion of food, draws energy away from the digestive system)

– It increases mood swings and depression

– It contributes to fatigue and insomnia (by interfering with the body’s ability to enter phases 3 and 4 of sleep)

Lifestyle Tips to Reduce Cortisol:

1.Turn off the news, and stop reading the newspaper (news is fear-based and raises cortisol levels)

2. Exercise regularly (promotes chemicals that reduce anxiety and depression)

3. Sleep more

4. Maintain stable blood sugar levels (eat light, regular and balanced meals)

5. Meditate (relaxation, meditation, yoga, practicing an art, drawing mandalas)

6. Cut out caffeine (the fastest way to help reduce cortisol production)

7. Eat food and take herbal remedies to help lower cortisol (see below)

1-Holy basil

Holy basil, also known as Tulsi basil, is identified as an adaptogenic herb, which means it helps the body adapt to stress.

Holy basil literally reduces the production of stress hormones, and improves the way our bodies react and respond to stress. You can buy holy basil, or Tulsi basil, as a tea made with holy basil, or you can eat it fresh, if you can find it (I often find it in my local organic nursery,). I recommend drinking one cup of Tulsi basil tea per day.


The magnesium in spinach balances the production of cortisol in the body. How? ‘Or’ What ? Magnesium is a mineral (which, I might add, most of us are deficient in) that calms your nervous system and prevents the buildup of excess cortisol.

It also helps regulate our melatonin levels and blood pressure. Including spinach in your smoothies and juices is an effective stress reducer.

To read: How to meditate

3-Barley and Beans

Phosphatidylserine is a supplement recognized as one of the best cortisol blockers on the market. Fortunately, we can find this compound in real whole foods, like barley and beans. These food plants rich in phosphatidylserine help counteract the negative effects of cortisol, making you less anxious and stressed.


We all know citrus fruits are high in vitamin C. Oranges, grapefruit, limes, lemons, kiwis, and pineapples all have incredibly high levels of this crucial vitamin which also fights cortisol.

Numerous studies have shown that vitamin C indeed helps to slow the production of cortisol mainly by inhibiting the enzymes involved in steroidogenesis (the formation of steroids by the adrenal cortex, testes and ovaries. Cortisone is one of the end products of this process).

Only 1 mg of vitamin C per day helps improve the adrenal gland’s ability to cope with stress.

To read: the benefits of watermelon


Who doesn’t like bananas? I put some in smoothies, ice cream, or I dehydrate them for a few hours to make a banana that tastes like banana bread !

Fortunately, these sweet fruits are rich in the compound tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin in the brain, and makes us happy and not stressed. Bananas are also rich in B vitamins, which are important for supporting the nervous system (and calmer moods).

6-Omega 3 fatty acids

Chia, hemp, or flax seeds, walnuts, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower all have one thing in common – they fight inflammation and are high in omega-3 fatty acids that lower cortisol. !

These fats are involved in the biochemistry, physiology, and function of the brain and are important in helping the hippocampus (part of our brain) respond to excess cortisol and corticosteroids.

Add chia seeds or hemp seeds to your smoothies or cereal, and a snack with nuts and cauliflower to include these awesome stress-relieving superfoods in your diet!

To read: What is anxiety disorder?

7-Green Leafy Vegetables and Young Shoots

When our body absorbs vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, the stress response is drastically reduced. This is the reason why green leafy vegetables, and especially young shoots, should always be absorbed outside of your daily diet.

Young shoots are even more nutrient dense than their adult counterparts, with over 4-6 times the stress-fighting vitamin C.

8-Foods Rich in Zinc

Studies have shown that foods rich in zinc help inhibit the secretion of cortisol in our body. This mineral, which is also important for bones and immune health, is found in abundance in pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, lentils, chickpeas, cashews, quinoa, hemp seeds, almonds, walnuts, peas, chia seeds and broccoli.

To read: boost your immune system

9-The Berries

Berries are one of the best fruits for helping your body absorb beneficial antioxidants. Antioxidants play an important role in helping to reduce inflammation and slowing the production of cortisol.

It is our body’s defense system that is on the front line against cell damage caused by free radicals, and they help us de-stress. Include berries when making an antioxidant-rich smoothie, or enjoy them just like that as a snack!

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